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A member registered Aug 10, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the feedback!
I understand the fustration and I agree that as is now the GUI don't help much, I already changed it to make it much more legible.
One of the points of the sytem is to find paths across the keyboard. Certain levels are puzzle-like, where most keys are disabled and the player has to work out the way in the keyboard.
That's why is like this! But I understand the fustration ...
Again, thank you for your opinion! I will use it!

Cool puzzles!  A bit hit&miss placing objects with the physics but levels are so short that is not a big deal! Congrats!

Are you using water plugin? Looks like your own!

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I can't figure out the rules, sorry.

The coins and the option to purchase "continues" in a mobile game.... reeks to the worst of the free2 play market. I would eliminate or rework the system completely to avoid comparisions!

wow, both the menus and the intro are the best ones I've seen so far! The player character is also awesome! Congrats!

What a weird weird twist! Congrats!

Great voice acting!

Great black hole!!  

Cool song (with the dog noises!)
The procedural map is also well done!

Cool exploding obstacles!

Super cool pixel effect!

Unless it's really important for your game don't waste time during jams adding this kind of quality of life features!
Mine has the same problem exacerbated. I ask for the player to have a keyboard with U.K. English layout!!

Super big world with cool details!

Sorry to hear that, nevertheless the game sounds super good.
I'm a one man band and I can't have original music like this (envy). All I can get is some noises with the piano ;)  Checking the soundcloud link and all the songs there are really cool! I specially dig PressedForTime!  Your composer may wanna check the songs in mine (are from we love indies, and each level has a different track)

Cool idea!
  1 comment: As a leftie your controls are HARD. (Nobody thinks on lefties ;) 

The cursor, the floor and the player material look great!

Thank you!

Thanks for the feedback! Glad you find it interesting!
I didn't have time to properly optimize! The game's FPS aren't cap neither. I'll try to balance audio better!

ei! nice atmosphere!  and cool chromatic aberration!


ok, I had +50 rolls and kept shooting!

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Only 3! The rolls drop even when not colliding! ;)

Really cool storm effect in some tries!

I'll give it another go!

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Thanks for playing! Happy that you find it fun! 

I plan on putting some secrets or shortcuts like in level 3.  You can also go directly to any level (last is 15) in the levels menu!  Give it a go!

I'll give it another try!


Great sky!

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Nice pixel art! I maxed the ship!

Cool game! I used the same music in one of my levels ;)

Cool effect! Antichamber vibes!

Funny implementation of the theme! Love the enemy model!

Cool planet!  

Nice redesign on jrpg combat! congrats!

Great sound and visuals! (You may like the music in mine ;) )

Really clean visuals!

Great player character!

cool puzzle system!

Cool tetris variation!

You nailed the vibe!