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A member registered Mar 11, 2022

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Just a heads up, there's a Face that's mentioned on the tarot outcomes that doesn't exist in the rulebook, called Decisive. I think maybe you switched it over to Determination, or you meant Defiance? To that end, what happens if a die is given the face Determination, and that same value is cursed with Acceptance? I thought the best thing to do was to have them cancel out?

Just made my way through the rule set - it's lovely! A great, consistent theme, with a strong tone that imparts both emotional distance and deep humanity. I appreciate your art as well, it's giving me vibes somewhere between Dead Cells and Mike Mignola, which I'm all about. 

While I can't offer any notes on playtesting (although I'm happy return and do so), there were two small elements of the rules that you may want to return to. They're minor things, so maybe not worth addressing, but here's what tripped me up a little. 1)  It seems like Vitalize (boon) and Decay (curse) share the same text. I suspect Decay should probably state that you subtract the value instead of adding it. If not then maybe I'm missing something and it would still be worth clarifying in the rules. 2) The language around the three encounter types - Test of Character, Aspect Test, Aspect Choice - isn't consistently applied on the tarot cards, which confused me somewhat. It seems, for the most part, Aspect Tests are more often labeled using "Choose your Fate" instead of "Test your Fate", but both labels are used. Aspect Choices, on the other hand, are consistently labeled with "Choose your Fate", which seems appropriate. It's a minor thing, but it gave me pause to make sure I understood what was being asked of me.

Other than those two fiddly (probably editing ) issues, I have only good things to say on the first pass. I wish you and your team the best of luck, and I look forward to seeing more content like this! If you had any ideas about how to modify this system to facilitate group play, I'd love to hear about it! I'd like to share this with friends, and run some kind of communal session. I understand this is not the core design principle of the game, and maybe it's asking too much, but all the same I figured I'd ask!