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A member registered Oct 06, 2022 · View creator page →

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hey, thanks for the feedback I’d love to know what controller you were using all those we tested were correct our end. Thank you!

character art and animation are very nice, and the gameplay feels fluid. i could only get player 2 to work however and the menu doesn't seem to support mouse input which was a bit jarring.

Thanks for the feedback.

yeah, camera is shocking, implemented it last minute so it's very unrefined. ill tweak this moving forward. 

Variety would be great, but I was the only contributor, so I focused on the core gameplay systems and art hopefully ill be able to add more variety in the future. it's something I would have loved to do in time for the deadline.

Current difficulty is set super easy just for testing purposes ill tweak this for future builds and drink your tears when you do manage to die! ;)

Glad you liked the art work =)

(1 edit)

thanks for the feedback.
Text was just the quickest way of giving you info, this is a dev build after all but I take your point. This game is built for use with a controller which I state in the block of text - I would remove keyboard inputs all together but I don't want to upset the PC master race, that being said I will switch the inputs to something more comfortable on keyboard, but in future use a controller it feels great!

Input issue is caused by animations canceling early and not pushing events on the last frame, I have fixed this is the latest build, but it's not uploaded yet.

I take your point about the death Anim replaying when you kick them, and this is just a case of me forgetting to disable the enemy upon death, that being said, I quite liked being able to just keep kicking them, its therapeutic! 

Glad you liked the art. 

So laning is an issue with all games like this - enemy's do hit the player if you let them, you must just be a pro gamer!

Yeah, camera following is a hot mess. ill fix if i get a chance too.

Enemy clipping was an issue I have since solved and weirdly enough is a bug that only happens on the built version of the game.

thanks for the feedback and ill glad you like the game =)

Yeah, original DD was slow and clunky as well - My issue is caused by slow animations that haven't been balanced yet =D ill see what I can do for next time, ty.

(2 edits)

Hey i take your points, thanks for the feedback. The blend of 2D and 3D works fine the issue was the hitbox being too big- I purposefully made this larger to reduce the "Laning" issue that was present in the original DD games. Kick does more damage than punch and aerial kick does more damage than kick - as for the depth overall - Agree it would have been nice for me to have something more solid.

Unique mechanics are interesting given that almost everyone has just ripped off another game's mechanics - that being said I take the point and agree it would have been nice - I would have liked to focus more on systems implementation etc. 

Glad you Liked the art!

Character sprite looks cool.  The learning curve on this is like a straight line upwards. it took me a few playthroughs before I kind of understood what was needed. Movement felt very smooth. good job.

No build available. So I couldn't test anything. let me know if you want help building etc =)

7 mins =O?

I like the frantic gameplay style and i like to floaty feeling controls. I did find that occasionally the ground check would allow me to jump and i also found the physics push back from the ninjas was a little overwhelming on my first few play throughs. nice work =)

Graphics are good, gameplay is fun, I can imagine it getting very chaotic if there were more cows etc. only suggestion I can make is to widen the area the UFO can travel as had some cows get stuck on the fence at the bottom of the screen. great stuff.

This is really cool. I like the controls the input feels nice. my only suggestion would be more force at max power. great work!

I feel bad, I was mean. I didn't want to go speed dating, I had other more romantic ideas. This is a nice take on a visual novel, the dialogue was well thought out and was engaging I would have liked a "no thanks" option.

Hey. We appreciate your feedback. As developers we have our players best interests at heart. We attempted to produce a game that resonated with our target audience and we are disappointed to see that we haven't met yours. we will work harder in future. 

Please keep your helpful comments coming as it can only help the game and community improve.

with love....

The dev team.

I enjoy stroking dogs. I enjoyed stroking this digital dog. My only suggestion would be to speed up the amount of dogs I can stroke. thank you.

(1 edit)

For Travis: All work is ours. I didn't use any tutorials for the programming, just sheer brute force and misery... Luckily I have been using unity for 5-6 years now! But for the love of all that's holy never make me code gameplay again T_T

For Pat: Thank you, it's been a pleasure!! We made it despite the rona!