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A member registered May 29, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for such a positive review I appreciate it 

I am sure to fix all the bugs and issues and add the missing required features to it after the jam's complete 

I am also working on a Pokémon clone made in Godot in my free time but since I am still a student I hardly get some free time to work on it 

here is its GitHub link

Really good game the visuals are quite impressing  though one thing i noticed was we could start moving before the level  screed fades off this could lead for the player dying the moment the level screen fades because of the spike


The question is simple, I want to take part in the game jam but I am not sure if I can use any game engine like godot or not

Sorry to everyone of the late replys since I was busy with my exams and will be busy with them for the next two weeks thanks for your patience

sorry for that I had only a little time left since I had scraped my original idea so I decided to use what I found 

sorry for the scaling issue I have a metered internet connection so whenever I change something it takes a lot of data and I wanted to save my leftover 800 mb data for study and other purposes so I had to go with a bit off scale plus I still don't understand how does measure game window scale

(1 edit)

thanks for trying the game my original idea was a 3d space shooter in which you avoid obstacles collect coins and destroy enemy ships but after a time it just felt bad the one was static I was getting 20 errors each time changed something or addded something so I scraped that game which was 80% completed and started work on a new one with only a few days left so I completed it in only 2 days

Well can you please tell us how you learned to make such art since even I am trying to learn pixel art for my games but end up creating an abomination

thanks for trying my game , actually the sprint was originally ment to be an attack basically like in any platformer you can jump on enemies head but since in this game you can fly I needed to add a extra mechanism so I decided whenever you are sprinting you can collide with enemies to kill them so it was ment to be used with the shift key , and I forgot that ctrl + w is a browser shortcut and I couldn't afford to add a Windows download or fix it because of my metered internet connection

well the tendency why most game developers use the mouse to fire weapons that don't need aiming is as simple as the control making sense

to others for example generally w , a, s and d are used for movement and spacebar for jumping since it makes sense but in platformers it's another story since a and s are used for movement but buttons like w and s don't make a lot of sense for forward and backward movement 

so they are used for jumping and falling at the same time space bar is used for jumping since it makes sense but then comes shooting the only buttons that make sense for shooting are the space bar and the left mouse button , the spacebar already reserved for jumping leaves only one choice the left mouse button , but you may see in some games where jumping is not present game developers  use space bar at that scenario


(1 edit)

Yes actually when I was trying to implement android touch support I removed the shoot key binding cause it was bugging me I will try to fix it by today

edit:1 game now fixed here are all the wildcards and theme for gwj 36

unfortunately no  you can only submit one game per jam

Yes you can 

this is the best game i have seen in months better than gta v

actually because the html format of my game was loding very slow I don't know if it's because of my internet speed or the file was too heavy so I wanted that we can even download it but It didn't work as intended when I tried to make it downloadable but we can still play it as a browser game

godot game engine 3.3

and also sorry for the robot problem but its like a difficult situation since if i add that once you are far from the robot it will become neutral then it will become extremely easy to bypass these robots with your shield and also adding sounds which respect physics is a thing I an not comfortable with yet so it's not possible to fix that problem now again I am extremely very sorry for that  


the game is now fully tested and bug free all thanks to your comment I found the problem and fixed it thanks a lot for your comment again thank you very much

thanks for trying my game the maze's have their solved pictures in the about menu and the door problem was actually a bug that I fixed now please try it again and please see the answers'  in the about menu I knew the maze would be hard so had added their answers in the about menu lease play it once again any feedback or bug report is greatly appreciated 

I had made a game and submitted it in HTML format now I want to make it downloadable to can I do it now or should I wait for the voting period to end 

it will appear in your export screen as

Windows Desktop (Runnable)

it is windows desktop


great game whatever but its's quite hard to understand but once you get a catch of it its a lot of fun 

but one problem was there because of the lighting i like how it makes a maze sort of game but it's nearly impossible to navigate with that low light