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A member registered Jan 03, 2020 · View creator page →

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(3 edits)

Thanks so much for playing my game! It really means a lot to me. I'm truly honored. but more than that - Thanks for providing such actionable advice! the game definitely has some quirks to work out and outright flaws to resolve. I'm just trying to march one step at a time to completion and learn as much as I can as I go so I continuously improve. I'm such an amateur, that it shows and advice like this is like GOLD. As a one-man team this has been quite a time investment already. I'll continue to carry out my vision with the advice of the community. Thanks for sharing your first responses to the game.

GREAT game. If you like retro games you'll love this intensely. Words fail me. try it now. U must try it now. Just do it.

Please introduce yourself and say hello!
Thanks for checking out my game.

Infinite Prime community · Created a new topic Defects

Please tell me about any bugs or defects that you experience in the game

Infinite Prime community · Created a new topic Enhancements

Please tell me about any enhancements you'd like to see in the game.