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A member registered Oct 25, 2019

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Really good idea! Gonna give this a look soon, I've been wanting something like this since the AC Brotherhood days.

(1 edit)

Fun little step I added in my solo run: At the end of each era after the first, for each region (so each player), I created an idiom around what was currently known of the world. A saying for local customs.

For instance, and mind that these are rather Chinese in nature due to this run being used to develop a wuxia setting... "I'll see you at Niangmukan" is a way to tell someone their goal is unattainable. It refers to the sacred site of one of the celestial beings established in the second age, which is so remote as to be considered mythical.

In another example, "awakened by a fulurong on the side of the road" is a reference to an animal chosen as one of the "resources" of my world, whose horns naturally balance qi around it. In other words, this idiom is a fancy way of describing a windfall.

I'm really digging this step because it helps add that little bit of extra oomph to the lore, so I figured I'd share in case anyone else wanted to take on a similar approach.

Wow, excellent. Can't believe this is still being updated. I'm digging through my library for a tool to help me create a jianghu, and fortunately I lost track of my copy of Mappa Imperium because I had to come here and see this update!

Hoooo and it's still being updated! You're a straight up gift to the fantasy roleplaying community, watabou. Thanks for working so hard to bring us all this great stuff.

No worries about the delay, I was away from itch.io for a good while anyway. Literally checking for the first time right now, haha! Thanks for the detailed reply as well.

Okay interesting, so with regards to gaining power, it seems a need to think a little more abstract and not be afraid to give a faction a whole slew of tokens if the fiction seems to indicate they might have taken a boatload of power. So rather than taking it only from another faction, I could also have them take full control of a resource. It's possible I could put them "in power" without taking a single token from another faction, if there are enough available.

With regards to the free-floating token, basically what happened is a resource was lost and I wasn't sure what to do with the token that was left on it, haha! I decided to kind of leave it sitting there as a nebulous "power up for grabs", but it never did really sit well with me.

Thanks again for the deep reply, but one final question! Given your summary... Would you say a game should aim to have all the potential power in the city tied up with factions (give or take a few)?

I get the feeling overall that the main mistake I've been making with my approach is I've been a bit too tentative with power distribution, waiting for the game to tell me exactly how many tokens to allocate and assuming "one token" when it didn't. It feels like I need to be a bit more liberal with factions acquiring power.

Gave it a test on a little village and I like the difference! The main thing I like about it is that power can blob and shift freely no matter the size of the settlement. Previously, I felt like with small villages, I was just constantly shifting one or two population tokens between factions.

A few things I was unclear on while playtesting the new power rules:

1. Is there an intended maximum power pool like there is with the population pool, or do we simply produce tokens from a nebulous pool as instructed? Are we to instead relocate tokens from the city to a faction?

2. We place the initial two tokens on our first resource. Does this mean the initial faction card placement takes one of these, or do we add a new one from the pool? My brain wants to interpret the tokens on resources as "Control of this resource is worth X power to the faction who controls it."

3. If so, what happens when there's only one token left on the resource but another faction gains power? Do they take it from a different faction, take a new token from pool, or just not gain power in order to leave at least 1 token in the city?

5. Is there an intended interpretation for the majority of power tokens being in the city? Does this imply that this amount of power is spread among the citizens? That the factions fight over it and that power is constantly in flux? Is it assumed that the faction with the majority of power controls all the rest of the power not allocated to another faction? Specifically, what do tokens left on resources symbolize?

I have a feeling 5 is supposed to be up to individual player interpretation, but I figured I'd ask just in case. (The rules lawyer in me must know...!)

Presuming a great deal, I came up with this. Perhaps the placement of the power tokens (the purple ones) will help you spot any unintended interpretations I made of the rules?

She's an elven pegasus ranch originally set up as an outpost meant to breed steeds for a war effort further off. Came out kinda peculiar for an elven settlement, but the important part is the way power tokens ended up getting placed. :)

Thank you kindly. Excellent work on this, by the way! As always.

Wonderful! Never stop making these fun little tools. :)

How do I get that wonderful nighttime effect in the Kilwater example? Can't seem to get it to show up with S.

So basically, if these rules keep, we wouldn't see two and three-line districts anymore? I could work with that. My line-drawing is sloppy and terrible.

Excellent to see this wonderful tool is still developing. (Used it for a Pathfinder 2E run just recently to excellent effect!) Also really interesting to hear about Ex Umbra, which I may look into soon... If I get around to playtesting these rules, I'll provide feedback, but in theory, I like what I'm seeing. I'll remember this when our table moves up to the next big hub town.

Thanks for all the hard work, guys. You have no idea how much Ex Novo has helped my creative workflow.

Good to know, thanks! For now I'll just have to mentally sub "region" for "quadrant". :)

We've done it. A serious, proper run. (Though my art is still terrible, I wish I was as good drawing quick and rough as I am drawing slow and careful.) The resource icons and such aren't my doing, unfortunately, they're found things from the internet.

Behold Vixenwood, seat of House Liskfield (with a couple little tweaks we'll be making to suit the Song of Ice and Fire ruleset). It sits in the Westerlands of Westeros. A brief history of this hamlet:

Vixenwood was founded by a convergence of scouts who camped on the secure little peninsula, in the time during the latter days of Aegon's conquest of Westeros. After the war, these scouts decided collectively to make it their home.

The four terrain features that dominate the landscape are the river that cuts the peninsula in two, the Vixenwood (home to many foxes, and origin of the village's name), the hilly land east of the river, and Deadmire, so named for the bones discovered beneath it some time after the founding. The Vixenwood yielded many edible rootplants, which were available for mass foraging after hunters drove the dangerous predators out of the forest.

After settlement, the ruling house sent knights to see to the newly formed peasantry. These knights ruled over the village for decades, adorned with silks that put even some lords to shame (another gift from the Vixenwood!). When they got too big for their titles, though, their lord sent a small army to demand his tribute. When the knights defied the army, they were slain in a violent little skirmish.

After that point, the populace was left to more or less govern itself. While the farming folk deferred largely to their elders at first, it was the hunters, with their weapons and martial expertise, that filled the void. Without armed knights to rule, the task fell naturally to those with bows.

Unfortunately without lords to demand they wash their stink, the earthy hunters stopped caring for their hygiene and fell ill. This in turn contaminated the rootplants they collected, resulting in a new fields popping up all over across the river to fill the need for meals. Eventually the disease forced the to burn their own dwellings in a desperate attempt to stem the decay, and for a time, the village was divided in two, hunters disbarred from crossing the river.

It took another 30 years or so - and the advent of herbal medicine in the village - for the hunters to reclaim their former glory. A booming boar population in the Foxwood yielded leathers, and clad in iconic cuir bouilli, they once again became the undisputed leaders of the settlement.

Some time after the end of our Ex Novo phase, a keep was constructed over the ruins of the old knights' hall and would serve as a home and fortification for House Liskfield, who would seize power by scheming against another Westerland house and being elevated to nobility themselves during the Blackfyre Rebellion.

.... Okay, not as brief as I'd intended. But that's an excellent sign! Just goes to show how much engaging lore can come from Ex Novo so quickly. This was only a 10-turn run, too! Really loving this thing, best $5 I've spent in a long time. My friend and I already have our next session in mind.

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Oh damn, that's a good point. My other guess would be "a zone created by the lines your drew". In fact, a deeper search of the book I did just now found me this:

"Quadrant size
If you have relatively equally sized quadrants
you can consider them to have an area of about 1
square kilometer."

That definitely seems to imply that a quadrant is meant to be one of the zones formed during step 1.3.

My guess is it's "roughly a quarter of the total map space". That's how I interpreted it.

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Superb game! This does exactly what I wanted it to and does it OH so smoothly. A friend and I used digital software for a very rough first run at the game, making this little hamlet for our Song of Ice and Fire RPG run. We're eager to sit down with it tomorrow and try a more serious run (with a more uniform format for labeling)!

Same deal, saw it on Dicebreaker. I'm extremely short on money thanks to a huge shift in my finances starting this month, but I'm in the process of sorting through which of the many games I've been curious about that I want to buy with my budget, and Ex Novo is now right near the top of that list. I expect I'll be buying it soon.