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A member registered Sep 01, 2018 · View creator page →

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this is so sick!

my cats didn't want to participate so I played this game by myself. I quickly spiraled into wondering if the selves that I controlled were cooperating for success or competing for success. would I be more happy if one won over the other? do I want both to equally lose? would I be happy then? if both selves represented me, which one was the real me? what would make me happy? 

anyways, I got briefly stuck at the title screen since the controls didn't mention needing mouse to start the game.

very fun 10/10

(1 edit)

leaving credits so they're visible here as I could not have done this on my own!

Corrin Coffey: music & sound design

Heather Ruszkowski: visuals & writing

(me) Justin Kyle Torres: programming & project management

v1.0.1 has a bug if the player chooses "Not Sure" when it comes up! the game should work properly otherwise, or you can grab v1.0.2!

hi! I'd suggest also posting in the PigSquad discord if you can, you'll get some more visibility and have an opportunity to scope out other potential members if you haven't found teammates yet!

Wow this looks insanely polished! Congrats on the hard work and here's to more hard work in the future!