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Illarion e.V.

A member registered Oct 30, 2018 · View creator page →

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The workshop will start in one hour on our Discord server.

Dear ProTexan,

thank you for your message! The current installer indeed requires root privileges. If you need further support, you can also head over to our Discord:

Best regards,


Dear Draugr,

yes, this is possible. Illarion is an open source game and within the applicable licenses, you are free to fork the game. The game client allows connecting to user defined servers.

Using Docker, you can also have a server running locally on your PC:

Bear in mind that Illarion is a multi player experience, so playing together with others is what makes this game fun. 

You should have received an email to confirm your email. Please check also your spam folder as such activation emails tend to get tagged as spam.

You are fully right! It is unclear how to create a character if you downloaded the game from a site like You need to register at first. On that website, you can also create your character.

Merci :-)

Thank you for showing points that need to be improved. We have discussed the topics brought up by you and also ran a profound analysis of player inventories. If you pass by our discord server (, please send me a message @Estralis so we can discuss directly what you would improve and how.

Good to hear! We're looking forward to have you in the game. If you have any questions, feel free to join our Discord server:

Thank you for reporting!

Illarion - Carve yourself a new life

Illarion is an on­line game where genu­ine ro­le­play is en­forced. The main design prin­ciple is a fo­cus on the in­ter­ac­tion with other play­ers. All the player char­ac­ters you will en­counter dur­ing your time here are liv­ing, breath­ing in­hab­it­ants of the mys­ter­i­ous world of Illarion. Each char­ac­ter has its own past, goals, strengths, flaws and per­son­al­ity. Ex­per­i­ence glor­i­ous ad­ven­tures as noble knight or live the life of a hard­work­ing crafts­man, ac­quis­it­ive mer­chant or cha­ris­matic priest of the gods.

Illarion - What role will you play? Down­load now and start your ad­ven­ture!