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A member registered Aug 30, 2016 · View creator page →

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I've recently fallen in love with Sometimes You... a publisher that publishes risky, yet sweet and intimate games. Thanks for posting this. I think i'll read this article in a youtube video (unmonitized)

I really like this game.

Yes, thanks... I will do just what you said

Thanks... It's far from done.

thanks <3

Hey, I'm actually now starting the game jam and I have to say that this is cute... I really like the style. Reminds me a bit of VVVVVV... This could ABSOLUTELY go somewhere.

my #firstimpressions of #FightKnight. A very sexy #kickstarter #indiegame by @Sorcerobe

WOW... no way this game was made in the time period given... this game is awesome. Intriguing puzzles... great ball physics...

This game is sooo worth the $$$

I have this same problem on windows. I played this on a mac and don't remember having this problem. Otherwise, I love this game.

Hey, I try to seek out games that I can play with my wife... we LOVE this game. Do you have a twitter account of which I can contact you?

Smash Pixel Racing community · Created a new topic demo

Hi, is there a demo of sometype? Thanks.

(1 edit)

I recently did an interview with one of the devs... here it is.

I plan on doing more, so any feedback on what a viewer might want to see/learn/know would be greatly appreciated.


I've been spending a bit too much time on this game... It's super addictive.

Here's an interview that I did with the developer: