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A member registered Feb 26, 2019 · View creator page →

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Oh god!

Loved the look of the game and had fun playing it too! I kept on trying to press WASD to move and the pathfinding made it so I was always walking into things which was slightly irritating. But the combat mechanics where on point (I found myself planning my abilities before I moved into the next section, trying to get all the enemies to line up so I could shoot through them all). The bastion like way that the ground becomes visible is cool and it really got me exploring every nook and cranny to see weather I could go down a different path.

As a criticism, the NPC’s felt dull. I know this is just a demo, but I think with some good world building this could not only solve this, but really engage me with the game. Why am I helping these people etc. I know – early development now but I’m finding it had to criticise. I think I had a bug where I couldn’t see everything in my inventory properly. I was picking stuff up but couldn’t access it – this might have been because my inventory was full.

 Finally, the range of items was really good – I enjoyed looking though them and deciding what my best outfit would be.


Well done peeps, looking forward to playing more!