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A member registered Jun 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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Really nice concept. I would love seeing it extended.

Wow!!! Amazing

One of the best sokoban puzzle games I've ever played. The mechanics are so well implemented and intertwined, the puzzles are creative and engaging. Playing it, one really feels accomplished when the "Aha!" moment arrives. You know the puzzles are well designed because there is no need for a tutorial.

There is just some room for improvement. This game NEEDS more sfx/music. During the long spans of time you spend thinking and testing ideas, the game feels lifeless because of the lack of music. Also, the movement feels a bit clunky, especially when you have to move blocks large distances. There is a bug when you press r then z. 

Otherwise, really, really nice game. I hope to see more from you. Your puzzle design is great. Keep developing! 

Wow! Amazing game!!

One of the best point-and-clicks I've ever seen. Already a fan of your work!

Thanks a lot for your feedback!!

The only way to avoid harming yourself is to be far away from the campfire when the bar fills up. As to how to kill the enemies while you do that... well, that's the point of the game. 

Gracias por el feedback!! No olvides puntuar el juego

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We hope you love our game!!


The game is actually pretty nice and it has am original concept. I would like a bit more variability, tough. 

Great game otherwise! Keep developing.

We hope you like our game! Any feedback is really appreciated!