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A member registered Dec 31, 2016 · View creator page →

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I love roguelite deck builders and the fact that you tried to make a game with so much variation and randomness was really ambitious and I had playing the game, I would have just preferred being able to play the cards with the mouse rather than the number keys.

I love the art style so much, and the theme of escape rooms was so cool. But I found it a little hard to get off items once I had them selected. 

I could see what you were doing and it was highly ambitious and I commend your bravery for trying to make this game, but there was some bugs and I would suggest making all the rooms have walls that keep you within the boundaries of the game and it was hard to see the projectiles.

The gameplay was really good, and I liked how you implemented the theme. But I noticed there was no boundaries to the map. But I did like how you could actually finish the game and there is a rewarding congratulations theme.

I was really excited to see what you were trying to do, but obviously the game is unfinished but I would love to be able to try the finished product, maybe try something a little less ambitious with the time frame we were given.

I was really excited to see what you were trying to do, but obviously the game is unfinished but I would love to be able to try the finished product, maybe try something a little less ambitious with the time frame we were given.

I really like the first of the game I liked that play against the player, and I can see what you were trying to do, but as you acknowledged the game is majorly unfinished. I'd love to see the finished product, I also liked how you did your own art.

Liked the gameplay, and I can see what you were trying to do, but I found a few bugs, when I fell off the track I kept constantly falling through the game floor. 

It took me quite a while to figure out how to move the player, but the idea was super original, I liked how you could select objects and I can see how you could build this idea out into something really great.

Wow what an undertaking the game was very ambitious. You could pick up items and the environment was awesome, but I found it alittle hard to look around with my mouse and I also got myself stuck and couldnt find a way to get out.

I did like the character models quite a bit, but I would have liked just fighting the boss right off the bat maybe start on top of the hill running up to the boss seemed a little pointless. Also some of animations seemed to bug out about 25 percent of the way in.

I thought the concept was awesome and I like the theme of those really difficult games that have simple controls but are insanely difficult, personally I would have liked it to be made more clear how you avoid dying. 

The game was easy to control and the concept made sense to me. What I would say for the future is I was trying to see what would happen when the hit points hit zero but I was little let down when nothing happened.

I thought the concept was cool, and I liked the 8 bit song. But I think it would have been cool if you could have jumped off the hands.

I thought the concept was cool, and I liked the 8 bit song. But I think it would have been cool if you could have jumped off the hands.

I liked the memory wizard concept, but I was little confused with the gameplay I didn't know what the point of the game was.

I loved the intro and the fact that the game had a interesting story and the gameplay was cool but I found the controls to be a little stiff. 

I liked the way you integrated the theme into the game adding the music when you got double coins was cool. But I would have liked a little more of challenge.

I loved the game honestly it reminded me of Batman on the NES. One thing I noticed that could have been improved on is how the character interacted with some of the edges of the environment.

I love the character model it was really cute, but I had a hell of a time with tank controls, and I couldn't figure out how to back up.

The game was cool and I liked the art style, but the looping sound made me thought I was doing something wrong. 

I loved the concept of the game kind of reminded me of the old black and white series. I did have a little trouble with the controls though and maybe a more top view like on a board would have been better.

This game was awesome, I loved the zombie band. It felt like an old arcade shooter that I would sink hours into as a kid. What I would add for future game is maybe sound effects for the weapon so there is an indication that you are firing the weapon.

I liked the gameplay but I would suggest you start the game with the screen a little lower because it felt like I had know time to figure out how the game worked before it was game over.

I enjoyed the game and I thought the game fit the theme very well. What I would just suggest is to make sure with future games to display the controls so the player knows how to play the game.