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A member registered Oct 17, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback! I'll add more progression after the jam is done. 

Also, thanks for hosting the jam, it was a ton of fun! 

Thank you!

Thanks for the feedback! The variety in the gameplay was so little because of the limited amount of time so yeah.

Thanks for the feedback, the jump mechanic was sort of shoe horned in so i agree. That's a great suggestion. I might add it after the jam,

Thanks! I know it's repetitive and the soundtrack is bad. I'll improve it after the jam.

Very cool game. The audio and art was fine but the concept was pretty fun! However, platforming didn't feel good. Great concept, has a lot of potential. 

The art was pretty good. The music wasn't annoying after a long time and the concept was pretty cool.

The lack of sound effects was noticeable tho, so next time use sfxr or bfxr(they are sound effects generators). The transitions took a bit long thought,. make it shorter. Overall, pretty nice.

I'd appreciate it if you check out my game.

Thanks. I'll definitely check out your game!

It was from a Brackeys tutorial. Yes, it's allowed, i asked MashUpGames.

Thanks for the feedback! I might add more variations to the gameplay once the jam is done. 

Thank you!

Brackeys made a great Bosca Ceoil Tutorial. He made a great melody and i want to use it. Am I allowed to? I would redo all the music but it's still from the tutorial.

Thanks a  lot for the kind words! The reason the game was short is because I didn't want the player just walking from left to right on a really long or even moderately length level because sometimes I find it boring. i could have add more obstacles or even enemies but time (aka family using the computer) was restricted and i started days late. That being said I promised myself to use the computer for game jams when I can to prevent this from happening.Thanks for the playing the game!

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Thanks a lot for the feedback! About The Timer scene thing, i wanted to do it but it would take some time that i don't have cuz family. , "I didn't know which buttons to play and I didn't understand why I had died" do you mean i should have explained the game mechanics? Because if so, Then,my reason's still the same. I'm sorry if the game disappointed you but time was restricted. Not to mention, i started days later. Thanks For playing.

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Sorry for ghosting you man, school is pretty tiring and the computer is not allowed near me so I even have to reply in secret  but I will still join jams cuz nothing is gonna stop me from doing what I love! Also,your games are MUCH better than mine! : )

Hey, LegionGames, do you have an Insta or Twitter or Youtube account?

The browser.

Why is it when i download the game(win64 and 32), the folder is empty.

Thanks for the tip and feedback. I knew there was a better way to upload games! Thanks for telling me!

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I have uploaded the files. Enjoy! Also, I'm sorry if it doesn't meet your expectations as there may be a few bugs.

I'm sorry bout that and congrats on making it to the meeting.

Score was 45, i loved the music (good choice) and overall chill vibe!