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A member registered Oct 12, 2016 · View creator page →

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Simply excellent. Thanks

Hi, it's licensed only for Unity or could I use it on Godot?

This asset is really something, like all of your works.

What about expanding this Knight with paid asset packs (something like Expansion Pack 1 : Extra Movement, Expansion Pack 2 : Extra Combat ecc)? 

It is already one of the most beautiful assets around, but with expansions it could became THE hero character.

Again, great work and thanks for sharing.

Hi, could I use for free in my game if I give proper attribution?

Really a good work, thanks for sharing.

Very beautiful design, what is the license?

Very good work, I love especially the high trees tiles.

Thanks man, excellent work!

Thanks again, excellent work!

(1 edit)

Very well done, thanks for sharing!

You are more serious and professional than the 99% of commercial companies.

Thanks man.

Hi, I just bought your platformer set and I can say it' s a simple style but very well done.

Instead of add scenes to this set or selling "sparse" items, could you do a complete "Multi Platformer Tileset 2" with (as an example) <Swamp, Caves, Mountains and Deep Forest> ambientation and sell it apart for the same price? I would be the first to buy it! It' s very important to have more ambientation but with the same graphic style.

Keep up the good work!

Great Kenney.

You are awesome man.