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A member registered Mar 09, 2022 · View creator page →

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Developement actually nearly reach the end but polishing may take sometime.Here's early trailer for this game:

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I decided to create a sequel for my first game : (for windows and android) .(Altho it dont received anything at itch yet but tiny bit from Playstore). But with the overflowing ideas i think i just go ahead and come out with sequel.

Title :Nocturnal Nightmare 2

Summary of the plot(still thinking about proper wording): In a small school,they had an afternoon to evening class. This boy fall asleep during the class and wake-up  during the night time at school where every other students and event school staff should have leave. He rushes to the gate and find out the gate is locked,so he is trap in the school unless he found out the key. But strange entities also linger in the school!!! 

So far, i fully write the whole story line down(the quest,the order,the encounter). Now im in the phase to put every entities in place and see hows the fit the direction of the story. So mean while,you can get my first game.Hahaha...

Basic Mechanic : It is a third person horror game with a little bit of stealth that is control using mouse and keyboard as well as gamepad/joystick. But the game also script to use touch screen(virtual joysticks and virtual buttons) since the final product will be targeting Windows and Android

I put a few videos about this on youtube,twitter and tiktok under OyoGamesDevelopement @OGD80 at

Developement and test videos:

I like the psx style horror:) just throw serial killer in the game

Nice, i like the vibe!but i think just turn into topdowh heavy hack and slash:)

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Bad thing happen in 2022 where i lost all the media files for the project. Altho i can recover the script but media cant be open in game engine or in software(Blender).

Im remodelling everything(luckily code still ok but need time to read it back). And here is the what i remodel so far.I might change it to BossRush Genre but i will think thoroughly before doing that

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DEMO for Android in .apk form available here :
TRY IT!!! And kindly leave feedback:)

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Game title : Antap Of Borneoland

Genre : Classic Arcade  Style Action Platformer

Platform target : Mobile( for now)

Background : A story about a boy from a native in Borneo Island who fought a various sea monsters after the appearance of mysterious tower in the middle of the sea near the village. The boy is well trained with blade and has the ability to shift shape into animals that aid him to drive the monster away and restore peace to the Borneo land.

The game will consist of 5 levels and each level, Antap has to fight the level boss.

Progress : Early demo is available showing full level 1

The source code also given here. How nostalgic:) hope someone great will revive Blitz3D with modern features but still in BASIC

Hi all. Now im designing Level 3 Midboss of my game and im showcasting his movement/skills here: Hope you all like it!!!TQ

Hi i miss to update my game here :P

BTW these are few video i made for fun using the in-game character and bosses.Enjoy

Hi all. Demo have been upload at
This will be a very early demo with the objective of getting feedback before proceed with the rest of the plan. Thanks

Thanks for liking the style bro. Solo game dev is kinda lot of hard work.

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Hi all devlogs readers. This is my solo project named Kenchana : Oath of a Magical Spear. It is a beatemup game for Android that focus more on arena per arena battle as in Classic Golden Axe and Street Of Rage in Sega Genesis (My favourite retro console)

The game page is at and the progress also reported

Currently i have finished the first and second half level(haha). Expect the demo for Android will be out in a few days with the objective of getting feedback before going further (PC demo will a litle bit later)

More info, if it is allowed here i made like a Sega Genesis cover style(since it is my fav retro console,again)

Combat info can be viewed here :

Thats all for now. I will update once the demo for android is release.Kindly follow the developement page( Here or on FB) to support me morally. Thanks All

[Update 15/3/2022]

I had release 1 level DEMO as below, comment and highly welcomed. The final game may not be same as shown here but we do have a solid plan for the game.Thanks

Hi all. 

Ive been developing my game named Andika. I started this on December 2021.On paper, i already has a solid planned for the game but it is still too early to finalized the idea. Inspire by classic 8bit/16bit action genre like Shinobi, Blue Shadow and Ninja Gaiden(OFC).


Classic action platformer side scroller with Attack,Jump,Dash(Evade),Projectile with Water Elemental Powers.


Slowly introduce new enemies stage by stage, include classic charging enemy,range enemy, flying creatures,gigantic bosses as well as bosses with a better combat mechanics. Hazards/Traps will be introduce slowly in the game too like Spike


For me, i just flagged this as just started. It started In december, really want to go into 2D Pixel Sprite 16-bit style. After a little bit of test,i think ill go with 3D(2.5D). But do anyone think that this kind of game should be in 2D Pixel Sprite instead?

Here some image of the game and leave some feedback. Cheers and TQ