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Houseman Games

A member registered Jun 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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Been following development of this for a while and it's got potential to be really great. 
As it stands there's quite a bit that can be refined to make huge gains in playability and levels of fun.
The UI needs a pretty big rework, the health and XP across the top with backwards bars isn't intuitive or very useful, a face of the character/turtle with changing face states and the bars around each side of the portrait would work well and be way nicer to look at.

A tutorial run should be the first run anyone plays. The super quick on screen tutorial that is there now is hard to follow and it leads you to feeling very lost in your first run. A separate tutorial that runs you through your first few levels while showing you how to aim/target/gather etc at set points would make a world of difference.
The aiming is also hard to judge, it could possibly have an ghosted intended path to show the way? Or at least a power up that improves this.

Anyway just some ideas/thoughts. The game is really fun and I'd love to see you have a great launch for the full game!

Quick fyi your game is unplayable on steam. It gives this error at launch:




action number 1

of  Step Event0

for object Obj_Player:

Variable Obj_Player.Spr_Player_Cactused(103229, -2147483648) not set before reading it.

at gml_Object_Obj_Player_Step_0


gml_Object_Obj_Player_Step_0 (line -1)

I had a wonderful time making my game, playing all of yours and getting really helpful feedback in my first game jam. Just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who took part and I really hope to see you all again in other jams later on!


If you do update it please let me know, you've got some great ideas here. I'm looking forward to trying some more of your games!

Thank you so much for playing. Yeah I realise it's a little frustrating, I guess I'm a big platformer guy so didn't think it was quite as hard as it actually is.

Yeah I absolutely agree, time was running out and I wanted one level where the saws chase you, but it would've taken an entire recode of how death worked to get the saws to reset and as my first game I just couldn't do it with the time limit. 

Totally understand it's a little frustrating, sorry! Thank you so much for playing. It was my first real project and I'm happy with it for what it is and learned so much.

This seems cool but is also a little hard to understand in its current state. I like the kind of reverse Spelunky and the dark, almost horror, diving theme. 

It needs a bit of a tutorial and a little lightening up on the controls. The ground pound to excavate seems cool but I think it'd just be more practical as a dig button, it's also fiddly. The energy and oxygen system needs better explaining. It's also possible to get soft locked dropping into a shop area and finding both sides sealed off. 

This game has tons of potential and could be really cool with a little more work. I never could get that far in the time I played it but looking at the itch page there's some really great ideas and things further in, and I'd love to see them in a later build of the game.

This has the potential to be something pretty cool, you've got a cool aesthetic with the tent on the ice and the occasional bits of story in between fishing. As it is now it's kinda buggy and does need the more work, missing sound particularly doesn't help. There also needs to be some work on the completion of catching a fish, maybe give them weights/size and set your own PB's as well as just returning from the same screen.

The movement is really good and it's a fun little time. Clearly it's unfinished but the main part, the gameplay is great.

Super fun and really well-polished. My only complaint is how quickly the number of fires gets out of hand, I'd like to have played for longer. The driving controls are really fun, the expanding map system is great and it's got a funky soundtrack. Great work!

Great space invaders style arcade game. An original twist on the idea and surprisingly difficult. Very fun!

Not really my kind of game but amazingly polished for being made in a month. It's got a really cool, somewhat chilled vibe and I loved the soundtrack.

Insane, crazy and absurd... loved it! A really fun little experience with a great sense of humor!

Cute little experience. What is the music?

A cute game, love the DS vibe. It was a little too easy though, I had to just give up in the end as there didn't seem any point where I would die. 

Beautiful looking game, great art and style. I do wish it was a little faster or had a little more variety to the actual gameplay. A fun minigame, thanks!

Congrats! Me too, first game and jam. Really fun, looking forward to playing yours and all the others.