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A member registered Aug 24, 2021 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)


You can now try the game yourself by downloading it from:


The game development of the game is totally done, the game has now zombies that attack you that you should kill by shooting at them, and they have 3 phases.

The game is also giving you the ability to heal infected people. And it also features a tutorial and 3 different levels.

I'll just fix some bugs and then submit the game.



The zombies can now attack and deal damage to the player. And they have 3 phases: Walking, running, and crawling.

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It's been 1 week since I posted anything on this subject but the development of the game is progressing very well.

Enemies can now be shot and killed, I made the zombies have multiple phases.

  • Phase 1: Walking
  • Phase 2: Running
  • Phase 3: Crawling

And the zombies can also attack the player when in range, and they can deal damage to the player.

I have also created a desert level, and I plan to create 3 more levels and a tutorial before uploading the game.

I'll be uploading a demo video shortly after tweaking all these added features and polishing them.


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Yeah, I had some problems at the beginning of the jam but I finally did some serious progress:

Now, the player is completely able to move, and the zombies are able to find the shortest path to reach the player and they have a great walk animation.

I guess a video would demonstrate my progress better than some boring text so:

Next step: Shooting mechanic

EDIT: At the beginning of the jam I said that I'm not sure if I could finish the game within the time limit, but now I feel more confident, it's not that hard actually.

Oh! Your idea is quite similar to mine, except that you're making it 2D and I'm making it 3D.

You've done much progress, good job! and good luck for the upcoming days!

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After learning how to create a NavMesh (an enemy AI), I added it to the game, with only one line of code I was able to make the zombies move to a specific coordinate.

After that I wanted to create a player controller, in the beginning, I thought a first-person controller could work for my game, but no. A third-person controller would be better because it allows the player to look behind him, soo he could see if zombies are attacking him from behind.

But a third-person controller is difficult to create, soo I decided to download one from the asset store, but all the assets I found are only compatible with version 2020 of Unity and I was using version 2019.4.

So I switched to version 2020 and I was surprised with 9 error messages in the console that are impossible to fix:

The errors were coming from the UnityEngine, not from my Scripts, so I started the project from the beginning, luckily I was able to copy-paste my files from the corrupted project, and the good thing is that "having this problem now means I won't have it later :)".

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NEW UPDATE (not really a big one, unfortunately) :

I didn't plan the project before the beginning of the jam soo I created a little whiteboard in Milanote, I listed some "must-have" mechanics and ideas that I must add to the game, and some additional features that I could add if I had extra time.

I also downloaded some free-to-use assets from and modified some of them, rigged some of the characters, and I also did some level design.

By the way, I don't have much experience with creating 3d games, I'm more familiar with 2D games ... I did create one year ago a 3d game for the Brackeys game jam 2021.2  but it wasn't a good one. So I spend some time watching tutorials about how to create an enemy AI, import animations to unity, what's the difference between URP and HDRP etc ...

Honestly, I didn't accomplish much progress on these two first days, instead, I organised myself to achieve better results in the upcoming days.

I guess I'll create (or download) a specific 3d model for the attacking zombies and for the infected zombies, a way to differentiate them.

Thanks for ur comment!

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I'll try to add a story to the game ... if I had some extra time of course.

Thanks for the suggestion!

Thanks bro for the encouragement.

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My initial idea is:

Zombies attacked your kingdom and infected all its inhabitants, you should defend your kingdom, heal the infected people and kill the enemy.

I still don't know if I could finish this within the time limit. If I didn't then I'll just submit the non-finished game to the jam anyways.

I really like the game! Good job!

Please check out my game!

Nice concept! Good job!

Please check out my game!

Well done!

Please check out my game!

Thank you for your feedback! I appreciate it a lot! I'll think about updating the game with more features.

I really loved this game! Very fun to play! Well done!

Please check out my game!

(1 edit)

When you click W and "Up Arrow" at the same time, the player jumps too high, and it makes the game too easy.

No time and no inspiration to make amazing art :'(

Thanks for your feedback!

Thanks you soo much!

Have fun!

(1 edit)

Lovely art and concept! Good job!

Bug Report: When you click W and "Up Arrow" at the same time, the player jumps too high, and it makes the game too easy.

Thank you soo much! I'll check out your game now!

This game is AMAZING! Congrats on managing to finish this in 3h!

Btw I managed to sell the Pharaoh (I'm a legendary merchant now).

I can really see this game becoming a full one, this is why I reported some bugs that I found:

* Sometimes the camera zooms to one side and the menu appears even if the ship is halfway

* I managed to do this (the boat is overturned but I can still sail):

Anyway, good job! And please check out my game!

I didn't figure out what I need to do to win, but the game looks fun!

Good job! And please check out my game!

I love the concept of this game! But it's a bit difficult for me (Spoiler: I'm bad at investing money).

Please check out my game!

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I love the idea of this game! Very good visuals! Good job!

My high score was 955g (on my 7th try).

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Amazing work! The pixel art is insane! Well done!

The trailer is great too, but I found it a bit too long, for a small game like this one, a 30s trailer would be perfect.


Thank you for your feedback! I appreciate it a lot!

Please leave a comment if you rate the game ... and thank you!

Thank you

(2 edits)

I loved the game! Very funny! Very simple! Well polished! Probably the best game I ever played in this jam! Good job!

I couldn't remember my high score exactly, but it was about 50.

Please check out my game!

EDIT: (This is written in frensh) Sache que j'ai écrit ce commentaire en anglais pour que tous les participants comprennent, mais en fait je parle français et je regarde tes vidéos, je veux juste te dire que tes jeux et tes vidéos sont toujours au top, continue!

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Amazing concept! It's ideas like these that make complete games! Well done!

lol ... I don't know why but in the last level I should collect 9999 coins, Is it even possible?!

You also forgot to add music and SFX for your game, that's easy to do and it makes your game more fun!

The game is difficult to understand! I didn't figure out what I need to do! But I think the game would be amazing if you add a complete tutorial explaining everything!

Anyway, Good job! And please check out my game!

Pretty interesting game! I loved the visuals! Good job!

My best score is 2439.

Please check out my game!

The idea of the upgrades after reaching a certain score is amazing! I played it multiple times and my best score was 320.

Good job!