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A member registered Jul 03, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing, the goal of this game was to make sure you hear "YEHAAW!" in your nightmares by the time you beat it :D

Thanks for playing, hope you enjoyed

haha, awesome, thanks for playing, we are just getting started with game development, hope the glitches didnt "bug" you too much ;)

Thanks for the feedback! :D

Very fair point,  we didn't want to intrude on our simplistic feeling but we have been playing around with a way for the player to know what their current health is, such as decreasing their brightness each time they get hurt.

Thanks for your kind comment!

Glad you liked it :D


Really cool art, what did you do to create the "cloak" that the character has flowing behind him?

(1 edit)

Thanks! :D
And yeah the aiming with the mouse felt very natural in the unity inspector play mode, but since we were in such a rush to finish the project and build it we ended up not doing too much testing with the "mouse cursor hidden" setting and as it turns out in hindsight... not seeing where you are aiming feels pretty bad, so I think we should have a custom mouse cursor to show the player where they are aiming, or change into another system entirely. 

We definitely learned a lot from this project and thanks to the game jam, feedback like this really helps us learn! :D