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HitherYon Games

A member registered Jun 04, 2020 · View creator page →

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Can this plugin detect and translate text generated by other plugins? That is a current issue with the localization plugin I'm using now.

Is it possible to build a waterfall without being stuck with these unwanted green lines across the water? Thanks.

Could you share a screenshot of how you use the bridge tiles to make a good-looking bridge?

Is this sized for MZ?

(2 edits)

I'm a lifelong chess player (rated around 2100 fwiw) and I'm really happy that this plugin exists. So epic! I do need to pass along some feedback though. The board is set up wrong. The rule is "light on right" meaning that h1 (white's king rook square) should be a light square rather than dark as this board currently has. It makes a difference as the game goes on. Fantastic work so far. Hope this helps.

I hope you get more players. You worked hard on this and deserve feedback. :)

I'm also a mystery whodunit developer. If you ever want to join forces with a mystery theme game bundle I'd be open to it. Good luck with the project, regardless! :) I'm impressed with the voice acting. It's got a great humorous tone, and I admire anybody who can get a script finalized enough to work with actors. XD

Awesome, and welcome back! I really enjoyed what I played so far, and was very impressed with the amount of system depth as well as the storytelling. (That Hanging Judge boss kept kicking my ass.) Hopefully, I can find time to play further.

Not sure if this helps, but I saw some Wild West-themed art released recently.
(I don't have any biz relationship with them except sometimes I buy their art.)_

Is there a way to use these backgrounds without the ghosts in them?

(1 edit)

I purchased this but I can't get the animations to work in RPGmaker. Either it cycles to the wrong image, or it's static. How do you make the events work properly?

Is the "wall of trees" type tile in the top picture an A4 tile in RPGmaker?

I purchased this, and I can't get the animated ores to sit squarely in the middle of the tile. Do I need to rename the files? Please explain how you intended these to be used as events. Thanks.

What is the tile size foe MV / MZ?

Extremely cool! Loving the setting and production values so far. 

How large are the dimensions? Do they work with RPGmaker?

(1 edit)

Got it. If you get to play it then let me know what you think! :D 

If you like mysteries, check out mine (on here or Steam.)

I read the dialog where she's unable to heal the plant. I'm not sure where to go or what to do next.

If I try to go out the way I came from the starting location, it takes me to Green Plaza instead of back to the city map. Then there's a wall on the bottom of Green Plaza.

Speaking with Daphne didn't allow me to enter the castle.

I can't find the library. I found the school, the monument, and the starting location (which seems like it traps me, and I have to reset the game). Sorry to bug you with issues. I am definitely enjoying the game very much. :)

I got the dress from the tailor and I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do next. "I don't want to go back to the castle yet."

Impressive and intriguing. 

I tried it and got stuck in the first room.  Can you help me out?


What are the dimensions of these tiles? I'm interested in the Japanese-style promotional billboards and stuff specifically. Thanks.

Does this product have tile sheets for RPGmaker? 

Wow, very nice! What size are the tiles btw?

Thanks so much for your support, and I hope you enjoy the games. Feel free to write a review or let me know what you think here,

I agree that voice acting would be awesome to add as an additional production value. I'd like to eventually try it with the first game since there is relatively less dialog compared to 2 and 3. In addition to whatever voice actors charge, there's also the administrative costs of sorting all the spoken lines by character, editing the recordings sent by the actors, and adding each line into the game, which is a big time sink. So if the series keeps getting more interest then hopefully it will make sense in the future to invest in that. 

The 3rd game has a tiny tiny bit of voice acting BTW. 

That would be awesome if it's not too much effort to do. Please keep me posted. :)

Can these effects be used on pictures too?

Congratulations on getting this project finished and available for the public to enjoy!

Sounds cool about the update! Thanks so much for the compliment. Murder Is Game Over: Deal Killer is going to be released on Steam in early February. That one has a hotel in it. I cobbled together a bunch of sources to try to make what I wanted, but this would have been wonderfully helpful to have earlier. I'll still probably buy it at some point. :)

This would have been great for the project I'm about to finish. Alas, maybe in the future. Fantastic stuff!

Congrats on releasing this project!

Does this work with RPGmaker MV / MZ?

What are the dimensions?

I have the camera distance set to 0 and it looks like the player is looking at their feet. When I press PgUp then the camera looks nice. Is there a way to make it start with this setting?

yes it's possible

Is this pack set up to work with RPGmaker? Looks cool!

I joined the Patreon. I downloaded the "warden" monster and it's animated so that it walks backwards. Also, I am not sure how to search for or find most of the monsters listed here.

Where does one read the EULA? If there is anything surprising it might be valuable to know before buying it. Is commercial use ok?