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A member registered Jul 26, 2023

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Would you mind post some links to any art/visual project portfolio so we can have a look? I'm curious haha

Hey Guys! I'm a music composer who would like to check things out and join a team for this game jam! For context, I recently wrote a main theme for an online tv show with millions in viewership (I prefer not disclosing it unless in DMs because I like being somewhat anonymous haha) but surprisingly the experience was rather frustrating, so I asked around my colleagues their thoughts on video game music and heard many wonderful things about the community! It definitely seems less toxic and more focused on pursuing something fun and creative rather than treating a project just merely a like a business product. I really respect all of you for taking your time to do something like this, it is very commendable. Anyways because of this, I'd love to try things myself! I don't want to label myself as a great composer fluent in certain genres or styles because there are many other brilliant artists that makes me look like an amateur but I would say do enjoy many different genres and very flexible with the kind of games (or at least, I'll try haha this is my first video game music experience I'm sure it's very different). I would also like humbly say I'm fairly confident in producing music too as I'm currently collaborating with an artist as her producer. She's not the most famous person in the world but she does have almost 60k instagram followers over the past year or two and a wonderful person herself :) 

Apologies for such a long post, but yeah I'll drop my portfolio link here ( and feel free to reach out to me via email! It's