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A member registered Oct 28, 2020

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Thanks for your kind feedback! We're currently working on figuring out the best way to distribute the music more broadly, so stay tuned on that front.

I'm so pleased you enjoyed it! I really wanted the feature you suggested as well, and I was in the middle of implementing it too, but then we ran into some last-minute bugs and had to drop it. :/ It will for sure be included if there's a version 2.0!

Ah, the recharge trade off is an interesting idea! I'll add it to our list of features for v2.0 consideration. Glad you enjoyed it!

Wow, I really enjoyed this a lot! It felt a lot like an escape room puzzle, which was a lot of fun; it was satisfying to feel myself getting faster at resolving alerts the longer I played, even as the alerts got more complex. The narrative aspect was also a very nice touch.

Also, is there a way to save progress that I missed?

This is a really interesting puzzle to figure out! I also really like how powerful and kinetic firing a shot feels -- especially given how core to the concept of the game that is, it's important that firing a single shot feels cool and fun by itself, and you totally nailed it. Nice work!

This was fun! Took me a few tries to get the hang of it, but I think there's just the right amount of stuff to keep track of to keep it consistently challenging. We had thought of making a more resource management-oriented game like this initially, so I enjoyed your approach to that genre.