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A member registered Jan 06, 2018 · View creator page →

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Ah, I see now :) I'm not very used to using's layout. 

Hmm.. how do I download the PDF? There's no link to click? 

Ya ever hear the phrase "all dogs go to heaven"?

Pretty fun! Discovered this after GrayStillPlays posted a video of it today. 

Not a whole lot of souls to sort and I got a lot of people doubling up on bio traits, but overall it's a pretty good game. I especially liked the inclusion of NB people, and the texts from Lucifer and God were hilarious. I did find correctly choosing where to send someone a little difficult, as they're kind of subjective, but I think that makes the game more fun. I sent you to hell correctly, but was that for the minion memes or for drunk driving? Could be either really! 

I played it on my PC, but it seems much better suited for mobile, so I'll definitely try that next with the apk file. I think this would be a fun and short time waster if you're in a waiting room or something. 

God I wish that were me. 

As someone who is non-binary and who aims to be totally neutrois, this was a somewhat strange experience. I don't have any questions, thanks Protocol, just show me to the real life sign ups. 

The music and sound effects are really fascinating, I felt like I was really in another plane of existence playing this. I almost wish I could solely exist in this game at all times. The sounds felt very floaty and dreamy. Very peaceful (for a change from reality). I only wish there was slightly more to the game beyond just asking 'what is this' and 'why would I want it'. 

I just played the demo and it's amazing! I love it so far! I wish I'd known about it earlier so I could have contributed to the kickstarter though. Definitely excited for the full game!