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A member registered Jan 24, 2022 · View creator page →

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yeah, that would be a good plus for the maze, my friend thought of it but time + me not being 100% with the idea we decided not to add the map and sign 😅 thanks for the feedback !

I tried and rateed your game, I mean it is a fine game for a game in 4 days but as long as you learned something from it, it can always get better from there right? :D 

but good job on submitting though!

I would love for you to also rate my game if possible 😊

super! :D

merciii :D Notre proper jeu nous stresse aussi avec la musique - meme si je sais que la musique vient de ma propre voix hahaha 

it is because of browser, if you give a go at the downloadable version, you'll see better post processing because our walls don't look the way they actually should hahaha

but yeah we will take the mouse sensitivity into account next time 

thanks for your kind review! merci😁

woah woah woah amazing work you guys! franchement, magnifique jeu!😍

I love the way you got the credits done, fits perfectly with the game you made. 

J'espère voir vos prochains jeux! continuer comme ca et bravo pour votre premier jeu!

heyyy here is my game:

btw I also rated your game and I love that animation at the end of it! though he keeps walking as he is falling deeper and deeper into despair haha 

great game and looking forward to the next Brackeys game!

No worries haha 

Yeah, horror isn't everyone's cup of tea 😅 but glad you gave it a try anyway

Leaving a comment here as you asked :D I hope that's alright here!

and by the way I am loving your game!

I left one on your page's game but I'll also leave one on the ratings

Thank you so much man! Means the world to see our first game is having such good feedback and people enjoy it !

I'll check yours out as well !

Already rated your game! :D  I also commented on your page's game

well the camera would slow down if you went in the settings to lower your mouse sensitivity, then the camera wouldn't be as fast, or did you go as low as possible?

that's why we thought different levels so people decide what they prefer and what they are comfortable with :) 

still glad you enjoyed it ! 

Leaving a comment here as you asked :D I hope that's alright here!

and by the way I am loving your game!

Could that be because you have a bluetooth device connceted to your computer ? that might be a problem when you get in the game because I have had that problem in some games but disconnected my bluetooth device that was in the way :D 

but thanks or the kind review though!

So if you went to medium or hard, you'd see enemies, however, if you kept it to easy then there is no enemies :D 

woah... I did take my time and didn't know about that syndrome actually, but wow I am touched 

lovely game, fine design and good music choice! Great job!

I hope you can also look into my game, though not the same genre at all

(1 edit)

well a few downloads you got I guess? hahaha so you can be hella happy! 

well for 4 days you got a really fine level design (a  bit tough with that double jump which I was unaware of haha) 

I love the force feedback from the gun which you can use in your jump so you get more height! though the game itself is a bit difficult but nevertheless I loved it !

What did you think of mine??

First try I was so sad because I went straight into the game and died... twice xD I realized I had to chase the other guy haha

But really awesome level design! really impressed by it, difficulty increases fine and it is always fun! so honestly super job you guys!

(1 edit)

I SOMEHOW managed to get the first two levels without reading the comment below though, it would have helped a bit hahaha at least you know you needed the tutorial. But once you get through it, level 3 and 4 speak for themselves, they are great but perhaps a bit too easy? I expected level 3 and 4 to be more difficult but it is great work! good job!  (EDIT: OOh and perhaps have different music for different levels? and Have the music a bit lower because it is difficult to hear the sound effect :D )

I would love for you to also rate mine :D 

I see that I rated many people but did not get all the rates from them 😅 but as long as some people do it and give me feedback I am happy I guess haha 

love the graphics honestly! The sound effects and music fit very well as well! Though even with the tutorial it is a bit difficult to get used to, however, I still enjoyed the game itself!

heyy, very great job in so little time! Though the gameplay was a little slow because I do play a lot of minesweeper haha Other than that and the battle being also a bit slow, I enjoyed it very much! I hope to see you continue on this project!

Thank you very much for your comment!

I don't know yet if we will expand on it or try something else, since we are complete beginners haha but glad you were into the vibe!

it's a maze so basically find the exit

ahha that's perfect! By the way, what would make it a 10/10 kinda game? 

damn it's pretty complex and at first I was confused because the three first are black images so it didn't help me at all hahaha 

but now I understand after spending a bit of time on it! and it's a great level design! congrats and good job!

the game was alright! I expected just a little more interaction with the people but other than that I see the idea and hope to see it develop further! :D

sounds good! looking forward to it :D 

already tried your game, it is AMAZING! HAHA I am loving the power we have hahaha I believe Mifra commented on your game saying he has difficulties finding the last non believer because it seemed to take quite some time

 honestly amazing job! 

The game reminds us of 'black and white' and 'Deisim' (the VR game) 

That's what we aimed for! And I am so glad that you are thinking all of that! Thank you so much! 

And also great job on your game as well!

thanks a lot! 

And good job to you as well with your game! Really amazing ! 

thank you so much! That's what we tried to go for and I'm glad you also think so ! 

we already talked in the other comment section but thanks so much for the kind comments 😁 I'm glad it scared you, that was the whole point of it hahaha 

(1 edit)

this is a reminder for myself to look at this game first after sleeping😁

I'll rate and try to give a feedback when I can 😊

Alright! I checked it out, it's really fun ! though the jump mechanic is not the way I am used to, so it gets me every time, mostly during that jump with one missile on each side hahaha other than that the level design is awesome!

i am so glad you enjoyed it that was the first time my friend and I made a game, so comments like these make us feel very proud of happy of our work! Thank you so much ! 

fun fact the sound was made using my own voice hahaha I just changed the way it sounds to make it creepy haha then I combined it with more voices I made and mixed it so it would sound decent enough haha even knowing that it still creeps me out haha

The flashlight mechanic was the only thing we could come up with from day 1 so we had to tihnk around that haha

I gave it full rating cuz honestly I don't know what feedback I can give you hahaha 

the UI looks great, the music and sound effects fit perfectly, the level design is extremely well thought

honestly, amazing work, I'm looking forward to new games you guys will make !

love the music, the story with small characters and overall pleasant to play! Honestly best music thus far and I've been rating for some time haha

your game has been rated :D