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A member registered May 04, 2022 · View creator page →

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I like the crazy movements that the bubbles have. If some other things were changed, I think this game would be really fun and a good challenge. As it is now, I found that I die/lose when I'm far away from any bubbles and haven't touched any at all. Also, when the player dies, the score text continues to go up and some wonky stuff happens there. If the bubbles moved in that crazy way but were more accurate in their collisions, then I do think the game would have been really fun and engaging. Good attempt at a creative design!

This game is well made! I like the randomized placements of obstacles and enemies. The enemies movements felt appropriate and new every game. The gameplay was simple and easy to grasp while still offering challenge. I noticed that sometimes you spawn heavily blocked in and it takes a while to slowly bomb your way out. Since the timer is generous, that's not a huge problem, but it doesn't feel as fun when you get a start behind heavy barricades. 

This game was pretty fun! I like a good trivia game, and this one felt pretty smooth. I think the sound effects were well chosen. I would echo what others have said about randomizing the order of the questions since you can easily complete it if you remember the pattern. I found the questions a little easy as well, but I would imagine that this could be easily targeted towards younger kids if it were fleshed out into a whole game project. Good work!

I enjoyed this game! I liked how the enemies got more challenging by shooting faster and more frequently. When the enemies got past level 20 it became pretty clear that they were stronger. I thought the controls were challenging to control for me personally. I often would just stop and try to face the right way and bounce some shots off the wall rather than try to drive around. It worked just as well since the bullets bounce the way that they do, so it wasn't a big complaint. Nice job!

This game was so fun and cute! I thought everything looked and sounded great together and you did a great job picking assets.  The gameplay was simple and easy enough to grasp while adding a good amount of challenge. You could add more challenging levels  if you wanted to, but that wasn't part of the assignment so I think what you have on this one works great. I like that you can't just spam stingers out, you respawn at the hive, and you have to gather 3 pollen clusters before dropping them off.  All of these details made for a really well put together game. Great job!!

I had fun playing this game! Creative theme as well. It took me a few attempts to figure out what exactly I was doing at first. Things happened so fast and I died quickly on those first attempts. Once I figured out how to move and aim and react quickly, then I found the game really enjoyable. You did a good job with player feedback and the game feels smooth. I might suggest slowing things down just a touch or maybe delaying the spawning of enemies for a few seconds at the start of the game. I think with the speed of the enemies spawning, a "3-2-1-go" sort of start to the game would allow the player to get a feel for the movement before anything starts happening. Good work!

I definitely struggled with the enemy shooting AI and see what you mean! There are shooting sound effects if played with audio that should help, but I would agree with your suggestions still! I had a mad-dash alternative take on the levels in mind as an option for the player so I'm glad you enjoyed that! Thanks for your feedback!

I love the idea for this game! It's a really fun concept and I can imagine it being really cute especially if there were an animated rat character to control. The movement for the player felt really perfect honestly because it felt like an appropriate swiftness for a little rodent. I noticed one typo on the start screen (pices - pieces). The human enemies feel easy to get around at first but they definitely are challenging in that last level because there are so many of them. I love the ability to hide in upside down pots! Great job!

This game was fun and easy to grasp since it was familiar. I enjoyed the fast paced movement personally, though it could be dialed down some. It made it easy-ish for me to avoid the ghosts when I saw them coming because I could quickly move out of their way and circle back. I ran into a bug where I had only one point left to collect and I was on top of it trying my hardest to pick it up but it wouldn't allow it. I ended up being stuck and not being able to progress past that point. I think there could be some feedback when the player collects the power-up orb (if there's audio I couldn't tell in class), because the first time I picked it up I was nowhere near any ghosts and didn't know anything changed. You could even just make the powerups be a different colored orb. Adding a way to exit the game from gameplay would also be helpful for the player. Nice work!

I found the default mouse look sensitivity to be really high and difficult to control. I noticed also that the player is able to jump infinitely which gets them into trouble - you could try just setting a bool like "isJumping = true" while the player is not on the ground and restrict the ability to jump again if that bool is true.  I like the idea of hunting the enemy agents around the map and them progressively getting harder as you do, but I wasn't able to get any of them. I'm not sure if I missed something that I'm supposed to be doing, so I think the instructions on the main menu could be clearer or stated in game.

I really like the premise of this game and the way that you place towers feels good and rewarding. I think the enemies could deal more damage or somehow be even more difficult because I found that I only took about 5 or 10 damage on average. I did notice some buggy behavior from the enemies that prevented me from progressing the game. On wave 2, the last two enemies got hit by something that made them fly off the screen's play area and so they never registered as defeated and I couldn't reach them. You could add a "kill zone" around the visible area that kills the enemies that make it out for whatever reason as a failsafe for that bug. Also to avoid it, a way back to the menu would help to restart if you get stuck. 

I really like the set-up of the game and enjoyed the appearing walls and variety of obstacles placed throughout the levels. I found the player movement to be frustrating as it seemed slow. Some of the invisible walls didn't appear before I ran into them which could create frustration if you're outrunning an enemy and get stuck on what looks like nothing. I think that adding the alarm enemies in the third level after introducing the other mechanics slowly was a smart way to do it though, and I do love that they are alarms since that fits the theme so well. I think overall you did a great job and the game could just use a bit of small tweaking to feel better to the player. I think you did an excellent job at player feedback and telling the player what to do and what just happened / what killed them. 

This game is really fun! I found the gameplay challenging and engaging. The traps are a good way to indicate whether I'd been to that area before or not, which helped me not get too lost, but it is certainly a challenging maze and I'd be curious to see what it looks like in the scene. I think the ghosts behave as I would expect them to. I definitely appreciate that they don't go through walls though they could thematically if you made that choice. They hit hard and deal a lot of damage which adds a good level of tension to the game. I found the 20 pickups to be challenging and it did feel like a bit too many for me personally, but not too much so that it ruined the experience or frustrated me too much. 

I thought this game was well done! I like the top-down perspective and the characters. The gameplay is pretty straightforward and simple to grasp. I would have enjoyed if there were more types of enemies that behaved differently or a boss fight since once I figured out what to do, it became pretty easy to get through the game. The end of the game could have been more amped up in difficulty and/or excitement I think if there were a different kind of fight there. Great job especially with the time that we had!