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A member registered Jun 14, 2020

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Played on Chrome.  It took me longer than it should have to realize that I can click and drag on the stars; my first interactions were just clicking and noticing the sounds being made.  I soon discovered that the page overlay (with links to view the creator's other works, follow the creator, etc.) interfered with my ability to move stars in the upper-right corner, but I was able to get around that by scrolling the page a bit.

I don't know how many levels there are or how many I cleared but I got stuck and gave up.  The level I quit on featured three lenses that all overlap to make seven partitions and the level has seven stars: four rotate clockwise, three counter-clockwise; there are five colors amongst the seven stars, split as two pairs and three singles; there are similarly five shapes, split as two pairs and three singles.

Neat little puzzle game!  I enjoyed the process of figuring out the game's mechanics and goals, taking notes as I experimented.  Very pleasant aesthetics.

Fun game with fantastic artwork and music!  To any new fans of the game: I highly recommend full completion of the game for the completion bonuses, then also check out the song remixes on Mittsies pages (YouTube or Bandcamp) and the four-panel webcomics on Łukasz' twitter (@vanripperart).