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A member registered Nov 09, 2023

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I will have nightmares of Red cornering me. I managed to free myself up until 100 clicks, I gave up. Great bullet hell demo game, a lot of potential.

Love the mechanics and art style. Truly a great execution of the theme "Roles Reversed". Hope to see more in the future.

Great idea, good assets, good gamplay but it is hindered a bit by the collision system. Overall great demo that had a lot of potential.

Amazing art direction and overwhelming potential in this game. The idea of having you play an extra in a fantastic tale is very innovative. Hope to see more.

A lot of potential if more mechanics are implemented and more levels are made.

Really like the gameplay loop, it has good difficulty progression with the different hitboxes. Art direction consistent and soundtrack/sound effects are really fitting.

Amazing art direction, good gameplay mechanics, hope to see more.

Like the mechanics, odd that the bullets dont collide with walls. Good art direction and judging from the phone call line, a lot of lore to be discovered should the game be further developped.

Fantastic art and good gameplay.