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A member registered Feb 08, 2021 · View creator page →

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With layout now. Be posting it at the end of the month. 

In March I will place the cards on our website for download. 

You can now order from our website… as of today coincidentally.

community copies available! 

Absolutely. Head to our preorder page.

Oh thanks for letting me know. Just need to change the file name on itch

Indeed, we’re taking European orders currently through Backerkit at this link:

No, you get charged immediately. It doesn't work the same way as other crowdfunds that succeed or fail on a goal like Kickstarter. Regardless, we have enough funding to produce the cards we wanted, so the book and deck will be delivered complete.

Done! 50 copies available. 

Thanks Ben!

It'll be shipped from the UK by ShipQuest for backers here and in Europe.
Indie Press Revolution will handle US orders. 

We’ll be selling the physical copies from late August through our website in the UK and Indie Press Revolution in the US. Or you can still get everything here:

We're looking into this right now, However, to maintain the quality and accessibility publishers overseas will need to take more steps than is typical for translations. We won't make deals unless they are willing to uphold certain requirements.

Yes, our BSL consultant is a Deaf sign language tutor. Glad you like the sign presentation. We’ve had some lovely feedback about the style and especially the prompts for movement. provides a complete mentoring programme for anyone in the ttrpg industry. You can sign up for a free taster session.  

No the sign language isn’t mandatory and isn’t tied to any levelling or bonuses. We made it this way, as some people simply cannot use sign language. You could definitely hack it for FSL or other languages and we’re looking at licensing for other countries, but it needs to be done right with Deaf consultancy and a new artist. 

If your mom is an educator, she can receive a free PDF anyway. Email me at  and I'll send you over a key for the download. :) 

You're more than welcome! Thank you for the lovely message and I hope the kids really enjoy the experience.

Hi yeah there are only a couple, but will be far more this year.

Please wait for the Overisles KS launching Feb 27th. You’ll be able to buy hardcovers of both games. 

It’s a sequel with new lore, mechanics and further sign language learning. 

Waiting on shipping from China. Will update here and on KS when we have dates. 

Thank you so much! You’re words are so encouraging. 

In the process of printing now. Will set up with a distributor as soon as Kickstarter fulfilment is complete. We’ll let everyone know as soon as copies are available. 

waiting on shipping which is a logistical nightmare right now. I’ll update everyone as soon as the physical copies are available. 

Thanks ☺️

Thanks so much!

Should be on our storefront late July.

I’m having the same issue. Could you unlock for my games below else I’m going to lose a lot of backer faith and potentially money.

many thanks,


Thank you for your kind comments. We’re so glad it might bring you all together. This hobby is the best! 

We can't wait to get it to you! Not long now.

Thank you! Think it was because I had mixture of free downloads too. Didn’t realise you could isolate prices. 

I love your game. I'm the creator of Inspirisles. Question: How did you set up pre-orders? I can't find the way to do it anywhere.

It comes with both included, which means you can use either depending on your preferred learning. It also always for mixed groups because the mechanical applications are identical. Thirdly, it allows those versed in one to learn the other. 

Hope that clears things up. 
Best wishes,


Thanks so much for the info! I'll cont to build the followers externally and then launch in June.

Oh absolutely. It'll be here for pdf download in June. Then in July we'll have printed versions available.

So the project in its development stage will not be indexed despite garnering followers? It would only show if someone downloaded the pdf in June?

Hi, I posted my project a few days ago but it’s not showing in any searches. Can anyone explain this as it is gaining followers swiftly and I’d love to see it in the search.

(1 edit)

Yes, we're just outside Bristol. Can't wait to get it to you in June
