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A member registered Mar 10, 2022 · View creator page →

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Your ability to adjust and contribute even during busy times shows dedication, and your focus on sound design likely added a unique layer to the game. Reflecting on the project's process and outcomes highlights your growth as a lead designer and underscores the value of teamwork and communication in game development. "No Days Off" seems to be not just a project, but a stepping stone in your evolving game design journey.

You're absolutely right! having everyone contribute to the game development process would have leveraged our collective strengths more effectively. It's a great learning experience for future projects, showing us the value of flexibility in roles and skills development.

Hi Stewart! Despite facing personal challenges, your resilience in keeping the game development on track and integrating valuable insights from playtests with non-gamers is truly commendable. It's inspiring to see how the team is pulling together to focus on core gameplay elements and ensuring an enjoyable experience for all players.

Hi Brandon!

Your dedication to refining the level design, despite the challenges, showcases your commitment to quality over quantity. It's impressive how you're navigating the rapid evolution of the project and making strategic adjustments for the betterment of the game.

Hi! It's fantastic to hear about the progress in refining the production framework and establishing clearer roles within the team. Your initiative in creating background tile sets and implementing documentation demonstrates your commitment and organization skills!

Hi! Your dedication to streamlining the production process and incorporating feedback from playtests is commendable, ensuring a smoother player experience. Your proactive approach to bug fixing and collaboration with the team during development showcases your commitment to quality and teamwork!

Hi Theo! Your dedication to exploring different sources of inspiration for puzzle design is impressive! I admire how you've drawn inspiration from the Chinese Civil Service Exam and incorporated elements like logical thinking into your puzzle designs. It's great to see how you've iterated on your designs based on feedback, and your attention to detail in fixing bugs and adding hints shows your commitment to creating an enjoyable player experience. Keep up the fantastic work, and I'm excited to see how your puzzle designs continue to evolve!

Nice work during preproduction! Getting to know everyone's working styles and finalizing the schedule shows good teamwork. Using Trello with due dates is a smart move for task organization. As the level designer and artist, starting with beat maps and flow charts is a practical choice. Looking forward to seeing your progress!

Your detailed explanation of The Dark Chain's dialogue system development in Sprint #1 is commendable. The creation of the UML class diagram reflects a thoughtful approach to pre-production, providing a clear structure for the game's fundamental framework. The breakdown of each class, from Player to DialogHistory, and their respective functionalities showcases a robust design that not only simplifies the development process but also promises a dynamic and immersive player experience. The visual representation with attached diagrams enhances comprehension, and the commitment to refining the system for alignment with narrative and gameplay objectives is a promising next step

Your thorough preproduction efforts, especially in clarifying design and updating task lists, set a positive tone for our upcoming sprints. Delegating ambitious ideas to stretch goals reflects a pragmatic approach, and I'm eager to see your character art come to life as we move into the hands-on phase!

Your commitment to refining our game's narrative is impressive, balancing the dark realities of online violence with moments of hope and warmth. Structuring the story during the semester sets a clear direction for our upcoming game development, and I'm excited to see your impactful narrative come to life next year.

Heading into next semester's game project, your focus on well-prepared documentation, like the team chart for efficient workflow and the Game Design Document as our guiding roadmap, resonates with the class. Your insights emphasize the importance of clear communication and set a positive tone for our upcoming journey – looking forward to a successful semester!

Hi, your thorough mastery of the game planning process this semester is impressive, and it's clear how your dedication has brought tangible results in our team documents; I'm looking forward to seeing the impact of our game next semester and tackling the challenges together.

It's great to hear how you're improving your time management! Procrastination is a hard habit to break, but it sounds like you've found what works for you. Scheduling your time according to how long each task takes and allowing some buffer days for larger projects is a smart strategy. In fact, not only will this get you ahead of schedule, but it will also help you balance your work and life, which is a real double whammy. Keep up the good work and good luck with your continued success in meeting your deadlines!

I totally understand where you're coming from! Living on the edge of a deadline can be exciting, but it can also be stressful. It's smart that you're starting to spread out assignments to improve quality, although that can be difficult when you have multiple courses.CCC does sound like a lot of work, especially with ADHD. Using a Kanban board and setting reminders is a solid strategy for keeping on top of your work!

Your self-awareness and reflection are commendable. It's essential to learn from every step of the creative process. Even though you faced challenges, you've gained insights into the complexities of game design and the balance between gameplay and message. Keep iterating and refining your skills – that's the path to growth.

It's great that you recognized the need to align your gameplay design with your research topic. While your presentation faced challenges, it's commendable that your ideas were communicated effectively to your group members. It sounds like Theo's text decryption game is a promising choice. Good luck with the project!

I appreciate your honesty and willingness to learn from the experience. Don't worry; we all go through such challenges. With your determination, I'm sure your next pitch will be more effective. Theo's game proposal sounds exciting too. Good luck!

This week, we embarked on a unique journey to enhance our team's cohesion and efficiency by delving deep into each teammate's roles and responsibilities. We began with a kick-off meeting, setting the stage for the week ahead.

In a series of short presentations, each team member introduced themselves, their job roles, and the core responsibilities associated with their positions. It was enlightening to see the diversity in our team's skill sets.

To gain a more practical understanding, we decided to shadow our colleagues throughout the day. This allowed us to observe the nuances of their work, the tools they used, and the challenges they faced. We asked questions and learned a lot in the process.

We created a comprehensive document that outlined each team member's role and responsibilities. This document will serve as a valuable reference for our team and any new members joining in the future.

As the week concluded, we gathered to reflect on the week's experiences. Team members shared their newfound perspectives and the value they saw in understanding each other's roles better. We concluded with a commitment to continued collaboration and mutual support.

I really agree with your choice of topic and your research direction. I can relate to the potential pitfalls of internet addiction. Having a support system like family and friends definitely makes a difference. Your game concept sounds intriguing, and I'm eager to see what insights it can offer. It's essential to help teens strike a balance between the real world and the virtual one, and your work could make a meaningful impact in that regard. Looking forward to it!

In the first week of diving into the topic of "Wealth Inequality", I started with an extensive research phase. I delved into economic studies, historical data, and articles that explored wealth inequality from various sources. I also looked into the existing games that touch on economic themes to get inspiration and understand the market.

One key concept I found during my research was the Gini coefficient, a measure of income inequality. It fascinated me, and I thought it could be a central element in the game's mechanics.

This week was all about gathering knowledge and laying the foundation for a game that is related to wealth inequality. The more I learned about wealth inequality, the more passionate I became about creating a game that could let players experience and manipulate this mechanic. The next step would be to translate these ideas into game mechanics and design elements.

Hi Theo! It's awesome that you're diving into this game project, even if it's just starting out and doesn't have a name yet. Your focus on cyber violence in the age of social media is super important because it's a real issue causing a lot of harm. It's tough to stop these abusers as an individual, but your research and game can bring awareness to the problem. You're right, social media can be a powerful tool for both good and shady stuff. Sometimes, even businesses or individuals benefit from these bad actions, and it's crucial to dig deeper to understand if there are hidden forces behind them. Your game could help players unravel these situations and find possible culprits, which might make social networks a more tolerant and friendly place. Keep pushing forward with your project – it's got a meaningful mission!

Hi Lucy, I totally get what you're saying about social media and misinformation – it's like a double-edged sword, right? Your game idea sounds pretty cool, like you're the king's advisor using social media to run the show, but there's a catch with all the fake news and stuff. And you've got to juggle things like food, money, and morale too, which is interesting. Maybe you could add some clues or ways for players to spot the fake news, and see how their choices affect the kingdom. I'm excited to see how your game turns out!