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Chubby Crow Games

A member registered Mar 25, 2020 · View creator page →

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This is such a heckin clever idea for a game and I'm absolutely in love with the art!

Wow thank you, that means a lot! Character creation is one of my favorite parts of most games so I always try to make it fun. I'm glad you like it!

You're so gosh darned sweet, thank you so much for giving me this feedback, it means the world to me 💜

Oh my gosh I am honored! Genuinely, this is amazing to hear. I hope it can bring some peace to the folks there.

I've had at least three ideas for a game or adventure set in the same world as Substitution, and this might just be the kick in the butt I need to actually MAKE one of them 😂 

Sorry about that folks, I've been away from my computer, but -


Feel free to chat about your projects, ask for help or opinions from others, et cetera! And don't forget to check out the Chubby Crow Disco(rd) :D

Full disclosure: eggene is my partner and I love them dearly.

That said, even if they weren't my partner, I would LOVE this zine! It's such a cool and unique concept, and a simple way to visualize setting aside things that are bothering you and focusing on what's Good™.

Seriously loving this zine, and for a very first time publisher, I'm heckin' eggcited to see where eggene goes from here!

I had to give it a shoutout in the Dino Goons devlog, which features Parasaurolophus as a playable dino <3

Okay well this is absolutely the inspiration I needed to start making more zines <3

Thank you very much, I always like hearing kind things ☺️

Punching Elon is a classic choice, and classics never go out of style.

Absolutely. This game is definitely not Swiftie-approved.

Not only is that a delightful thing to say, but the use of the 🤌 emoji made me smile. I'm glad you liked it! 

Thank you so much for your interest in the game! I want to apologize for not providing an accessible version for you, and I want to correct that. I'm working on a text only version now, and will provide it as soon as I can. I'll reply to this message again when that's uploaded, so you can check it out immediately.

I've thought about releasing just the tennis rules, without the restaurant aspect attached. I came up with the pun title first, and expanded out from there with the idea. The tennis rules are kind of a strategy-rpg mix, and there's rules for improving between sessions.

Until I do release the tennis rules separately, I do think you could easily separate them from the restaurant management section if you wanted to run a pure tennis game. It'd be almost like running a Street Fighter tabletop game, but tennis instead of fighting lol

Oh my gosh this is so exciting!!! I'm honestly honored that she likes the logo; I drew and colored it by hand (with a li'l sprucing up in I've always loved Rugrats. I grew up watching it, and I still think it's a heck of a show.

Oh heck I see where the confusion is there. The dice at the bottom are meant to just be decorative, but that sure does look like you're supposed to roll each number in sequence.

My intention with the rules is that you roll a number of dice equal to your strength, and every 6 is 1 damage that you do to your opponent. Your opponent can choose to lower their Strength by 1 in order to ignore 1 damage, surviving for a little longer, but losing some power.

A kind of Yahtzee-style version could be fun too; instead of trying to roll 6's, you would be trying to get 1 - 6 before your opponent, and maybe you could spend Strength to reroll your own dice? I might think about this more.

That's very kind of you, and I'm excited to hear your review.

10/10, great comment. Amazing compliments and specific feedback. Fun to read. Honestly made a bad night feel a little better. Excited to expand on the game and hear what you think when I do! 

This is such a heckin cool idea, and it's an easy fun read. Love this!

Any god that would forgive me is unworthy of their title. 

I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me. Please, future generations, forgive me for whatever hell I hath unleashed upon you

Thank you so much, you're so incredibly sweet love <3

I can't believe this is your first time making this kind of art, this looks amazing!!!

This just gave me happy feels <3

If you ever upload this without AI art, please make a devlog; I'd love to check it out then!

This is awesome. So simple but so thematic.

Me tooooo! <3

And thank you for the rating too <3 <3 <3

Thank you so much for the kind words, and I'm glad it got you to journal! Journaling is so important, and honestly I should take my own advice and use this Zine a bit more myself.

Also I didn't even think about the Letter/A4 formatting thing! Sorry for the confusion but I'm glad that you got it figured out lol. I appreciate the ingenuity XD We have so few paper types in America - like, almost everything is just Letter - so I forget about A4 often. 

Thanks again, this means so much :) <3

Seriously, you need to play this game. I actually laughed out loud a couple of times, and the surprise twist ending shocked me to my very core.

Oh my gosh a 24 word LARP that uses a randomized grenade table?

Sign. Me. Up.

This is a heckin' fun dungeon crawler and I love that it never ends it's completely hopeless it lasts as long as you want it to because you can never leave !

Ooo I love this!

RISE Jam 2 community · Created a new topic Ideas!

Anyone have any ideas for what they're going to make yet? I'm thinking of making a post apocalyptic survival game that's been baking in my noodle for a little while now.

Rise to Ruins is one of my favorite games ever - I've got close to 600 hours in it so far, with no sign of stopping. It's a fantastic blend of genres I didn't think possible before; a rogue-lite god game city building civ sim. It may take a little while to get into the swing of things, and the most important thing to remember is you will die, a lot. But I urge you to play it, it's amazing.

This pixel art is absolutely gorgeous, I'm in love

Thank you! I had a lot of fun making it, and I have a lot of love for fighting games, so this means a lot to read.

Thank you so much, this is the first anybody's told me they actually ran one of my games, so this means the world to me.

Your critique of Engineers is also greatly appreciated, and a good reminder that outside eyes are always a good thing when designing a game. 

The intended balance with Engineers is that their goggles allow them to access The Sight at all times without using a device, the tradeoff being that their devices require planning, while Magiturges can improvise their spells, but accessing The Sight takes up one of their ongoing spell slots.

So their intended advantage is being able to access The Sight without using one of their devices. Magiturges are also limited to using elemental effects, while Engineer devices don't have that requirement; however, re-reading the text, that's not something that is clear or indicated. And it doesn't address the fact that they also can't interact with spirits, which is a very good point, and one I think I let slip by me.

The other aspect I was thinking about with Engineers is their Specializations, which allow them to access technology in a way that Magiturges cannot, making their lack of spirit interaction less important in the long run. However, they key phrase there is "in the long run", and it completely ignores one-shots or shorter games. It also presupposes that players will take specific talents, which is always a bad plan; game design should never require a specific choice to be made, or else there's no real choice.

I have some ideas for balancing this out a bit, but I'm gonna take some time to readjust things and try to make the two vocations feel less uneven. Thank you very much for your feedback; while you're correct that this was a game created within a short jam window, I really liked making it, and I want it to be a game I can be proud of :)

Thank you so much!

I'm loving Affinity so much. It's better than Canva in almost every conceivable way, with one exception; it's definitely less intuitive. The tools available are vast and much more powerful, but I have to do a lot of YouTube and Google searching to figure things out. But I've enjoyed learning to use it.

Just wanted to remind everyone that the 2nd annual July Sixth Park Dinojam is happening right now, so go check it out if you haven't already :)