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A member registered Mar 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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Sonic blows up Grinder enemies with his shield sacrificing the shield to do damage to his foes. When he runs in to them without a shield he loses rings or if at zero rings, he dies.

Thanks for playing.


Thanks for catching my math error. I've updated the files so hopefully that's all of them.

I liked the maze and bingo concepts. Odd little game, but that's kinda the point of these game jams. Creating something unique and odd and it was a fun game. I really liked the voice work and the graphic style.

Good job!

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Yeah, the cafeteria is the end of the demo. Another scene was supposed to happen there to end the demo, but I just couldn't get it coded in time as I was struggling for a few hours with getting the HTML version to work on

Thank you for checking the game out.

The art was really nice and the story was impressive for a game written in a month. Great job on making a game with a lot of heart.

I liked the 9 ball mechanics and you have a great art style. Good job y'all and I can't wait to see more.

The graphics are really cool looking and the backgrounds were really made well. I'm so curious about the camera.

I put butter on my head. That was fun. 

Love the art style and Paco has the best costume.

Thank you for playing. Renpy is a simple program and as I learn how to make games in it, I force myself to go out of my way to make something different than what the default models are for what people are creating. 

Thank you for checking it out and leaving such kind words!

Thanks for playing and the really kind words. Agreed a balance needs to be found between boosting the magic system and just pressing x to attack, but that'll have to come at a later date. I really have to build everything else out to see where to start tweaking since HP at this moment is just a countdown clock attached to a battle system which has to be tweaked. Lots of ideas at this stage and I will keep an eye out for creating a balance.

I draw a lot of inspiration from games of the past so I'm happy you appreciate it. Its tedious to animate the subtle pauses but it really just doesn't feel natural without it. 

Thanks for playing and leaving the kind comments. I made so many dumb mistakes making the board game movements and I'm happy people seem to appreciate it.

Yeah this jam got away from me and all the code that you see that wasn't the boardgame was written in 2 nights before the deadline. There is a ton of content just sitting on the sidelines so I'll try to update it at least one more time this month.

Thanks for trying my game.

So do I apparently. Thanks for playing the game.

The art style was great and the backgrounds were beautiful. This was a fun and funny game. Great job.


The art style was minimalistic and very nice to look at. I enjoyed the story and the choices I made were fun.  Good job y'all.

I love the pixel art designs of your characters and the backgrounds were super cool.

Fantastic aesthetic. The comic pulp art style is beautiful with the surf rock accentuating the scenario. Just a well done job all around. It's noir, it's sci-fi, it's impressive.

"We're fixing her."

"She doesn't NEED to be fixed."

It's great to see jams produce games like this.

Thanks for the kind words and for playing the game. 

Hopefully you enjoyed it. Thanks for playing!

Thanks for the kind words and for checking it out.

Another brilliant Sepi game. Way to twist the speed run concept on it's head by having a rage quitting monster as a health meter. I loved it. Couldn't quite get past that last little part after the ring though. TOUGH. Great job!

Renpy wizard! Ha. I Still can't figure out how to change the icon. One of these days I'll get it.

Thanks for playing Sepi.

I like the animations you made for this. It's a neat little scratch game. 

Look at him run. He's running arrowned! I love his little legs and shoes. Great job!

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LOL Sonic the Sea Racoon. This game is so funky and I love the commentary. Great stuff!

Oh and everybody should check out the "Thanks, Sonic" readme.

I don't see any download links or a playable HTML. The game looks neat so I can't wait to play it.

I love your enthusiasm

Thats alright buddy. Hedgehogs dont jump alot anyway

This is the day Hard Luck crunches to finish his game. Good luck to everybody else wrapping up their games.

My game's not going to get done in time, so I'm trying to finish what I can and post it. After that I'll get to everyone's. Looking forward to the fun times.

Sonic turns 30. I play and talk about your games. Everybody pats themselves on the back for being awesome devs. We arent ranking these. All this was meant to be is something fun and from what I have seen so far it looks like there are some really fun games here.

This jam isnt rated. Its all about having a good time and creating content for the world to enjoy.

Go for it

SEPI! Thanks for the kind words. Kid made it and it was great to be able to post it on Father's Day.

"That's why I put them there" the kid says with an evil grin curling her lip in a Grinchish manner.

Thanks for playing! She was excited to see someone enjoyed her work.

Good luck to everyone participating that are wrapping up their games.

You're already steps ahead of some of the rest of us then. Enjoy the cartoons and thanks for submitting.