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Hannes Borde

A member registered Jan 09, 2019 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Dear visitors,

after a long journey filled with important lessons we can finally present you the first official release of our game. We still got some time to polish some things, like the menus. But it's just a few days and some things we planned might not make it into the final cut.

But for now we are just happy we made it this far. Enjoy Speedware and leave us your feedback!

Stay tuned for more!

Your  LazerLabs-Team

(4 edits)

Hey visitors,

if you ever wondered: Speedware is set in a futuristic world. The character you play is a nanobot especially built to move through the hardware of electronic devices to collect data. Let’s hope its owner is one of the good guys! We don’t know how long it will take until scientists are able to build small robots like this. But let’s be honest, even the present times have to offer a lot of technical wonders. So why do our game designers still use pen and paper to plan the levels for our game?

Stay tuned for more!

Your  LazerLabs-Team
(3 edits)

Hey visitors,

being a first-timer is rarely easy but being a first-time game developer seems particularly hard. We all love what we do but still need to learn how to do it right.
It took us a while to find out what our game is meant to look like and things are still in progress. But every now and then we come to a point where we see our hard work paying off.  And that's why we want to show you our newest mockup, hot off the press and sprinkled with some visual effects.
We hope it helps you getting a better impression on what our game is supposed to be.

Stay tuned for more!

Your  LazerLabs-Team