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A member registered Jun 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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Really lovely game. It took me an embarrassingly long time to realize I needed to click on the words. 

Thank you for this!

These rituals look really awesome and compelling. I hope I can make the opportunity to use them

This was actually my first time playing a Honey Heist game of any kind. What a Blast! I ran my first game of Snack Attack and then a month or so later was able to play in my friend’s game. Both games were memorable and and really captured the frantic energy of our favorite trash pandas. 

I was lucky enough to play this game with my friend for a live actual play. We had an extremely powerful and cathartic play through where we were able to explore what makes us different. We simplified the game a bit for our own use as the original rules had a lot of card drawing. As two Neurodivergent folx we drew one tarot card per act instead of 3 and we made a spreadsheet to organize everything. This helped us a lot.  It is a solid game with some excellent prompts. It could benefit from some simplification, or some way to help the player organize the information. We enjoyed the layout of the full color pdf but ultimately used the plain text version tax it was easier for us to read while playing. 

Thank you so much for this lovely game!! I look forward to playing more of Kaden’s games. 

Tl;dr: what are you still doing reading this?! Go play it!!!

I played this with some of my friends for a series I dubbed Outrageous One Shots. I hadn’t laughed that hard in a very long time. I’m grateful as we were all feeling some really big feelings and needed something very gay and very awesome to help us out. 

We played as 4 Hot Gay Bro Dragons in a polycule. I may or may not have played as Gene, Destroyer of Men. Our play through was equal parts sweet, sexy, playful, and ridiculous. I remember saying that I felt like I had when I first really started figuring out myself and dating. Giddy. Hopeful. Excited. Nervous. 

We debriefed after and all gave it full stars. And noted that if we played with our actual partners…. It would be very easy to get distracted and not finish the game. 

Another awesome, lovely, and fun game from Riverhouse Games.

Hi! I'm super excited to play this game. I was wondering about why it's classified as LGBTQIA. I have some ideas of my own as to why, but I was hoping to speak with you about what makes it a queer game. I'd hate to put words in your mouth. 

Thank you for this game!

I would be happy to help in any way. I see myself revisiting your game several times in my near future.

(1 edit)

Hold on, I’m going to ramble a lot here. But the tl;dr: is, I loved it. It was a powerful experience. I recommend trying to play alongside other Neurodivergent friends if possible. 

I just played this game with a few other ND friends (Autistic, ADHD plus others). We all seemed to have a pretty powerful experience but I can only speak to my own. I’m an ADHDer and this past year has involved a lot of soul searching. I came across this game at a particularly vulnerable time and had been waiting to play it until I had a group of like-minded folks to play alongside with. Yay parallel play! 

I am a member of the Community of Applied Spiritual and Therapeutic Tabletop Gamers (CASTT Gamers) and this game perfectly illustrated how games can help you learn about yourself, the world, your place in the world, and beyond. From just 2 hours of game play I realized why I’m always so burned out, why I feel like I’m never just doing “okay”, and why I always feel like I’m never enough. I knew some of these things beforehand. But Strange Changeling Child condensed all that stuff I “know” into a few hours. It’s a simple game, almost deceptively simple, but it will be sticking with me for a long time. 

Unfortunately, I didn’t have any of my confidantes reveal that they were also changelings. This is why I was so grateful for my ND friends to have joined me. Having them there, experiencing it in a similar way, and also relating to all of the experiences that they were willing to share helped validate my experience and make me not feel alone. I think if you’re the type that would struggle with coming up with your own scenarios you could easily add a DM/GM function with a safe friend and IRL confidante. 

When I play it again I plan to have my character and the confidantes a little more removed from my real life. I also hope to play into some more fantastical elements and make it more magical. I definitely leaned into the downsides of my neurodivergence and I hope that next time I can elaborate on my fairy magic and what it is for me. I’ll also be making a little chart to make it easier to reference when I change my Fey, and the moves. Just so my brain can more easily digest the information.

Wow. That was long-winded. Overall. This is a deceptively simple game that serves as a fairly perfect allegory for what ND folx, particularly Autists,and maybe just as well, ADHERs. I could see hacking this game for a variety of marginalized identities but ultimately wouldn’t want to change the original intent of the game. 

Thank you for this game <3

Really cute concept. I played with two friends and we added safety mechanics (lines and veils). I would definitely play it again but I would change some of the BINGO mechanics as we only got one BINGO and it took a long time to get to that point. With more players it would likely take even longer. I ended up having the players roll more often to try and help them get BINGO. I think due to the nature of the game they only failed once or twice. 

Absolutely!! I wish more people gave feedback so creators could get a better understanding of how their games have impacted their audience.  🥰

I played this with 2 friends and 2 strangers and it was beautiful. I became so attached to my mech and my pilot. And marking your chassis was a very poignant way to mark the passage of time in the game. Loved it. I will play it again.