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Tl;dr: what are you still doing reading this?! Go play it!!!

I played this with some of my friends for a series I dubbed Outrageous One Shots. I hadn’t laughed that hard in a very long time. I’m grateful as we were all feeling some really big feelings and needed something very gay and very awesome to help us out. 

We played as 4 Hot Gay Bro Dragons in a polycule. I may or may not have played as Gene, Destroyer of Men. Our play through was equal parts sweet, sexy, playful, and ridiculous. I remember saying that I felt like I had when I first really started figuring out myself and dating. Giddy. Hopeful. Excited. Nervous. 

We debriefed after and all gave it full stars. And noted that if we played with our actual partners…. It would be very easy to get distracted and not finish the game. 

Another awesome, lovely, and fun game from Riverhouse Games.