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Skeptix' Spice

A member registered Apr 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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God I wish there were more great femboy ero games like this!

Hey, just curious as to how I'm supposed to transfer my save data across versions. Really digging the game and love to stay up to date, it's just I hate losing my progress on my "well developed" character(s). Floors open to all of the more experienced individuals out there, thanks in advance!

but bruh... it's about the journey, not the climax-- I mean destination

Did you seriously just take Jocat's joke from the Crap Guide to Bards video?


turns out you need to go into your inventory to use the slash, despite the rest of the game training you to just press enter

I think that just means they aren't required, I've gone into events with full relationship points with all the cast, even when it needs only one red heart and two blue. Tldr; you're overthinking things.

Excellent foundation! All you need is some variation, but I won't blame you if you want to keep it as simple as this. The appeal of minesweeper over an RTS is about being able to take your time to contemplate your moves, while also being able to pick up and put down at anytime. While I do think what you have is solid, I do believe that some improvements can be made to the UI, as I am completely inept when it comes to the original so I had no clue what each number represented on the overlay, but that comes down to me being stupid. Just a cherry on top would be some more variation, to enemies and units, maybe make more advanced units, maybe something like a Chaplin (an obvious stand-in for bishop) have a diagonal movement and replenish unit health, again just some added types while incentivizing movement and exploration, perhaps a Hunter who slowly digs and stalks along the cave walls, waiting for the Refinery to be unguarded in the corner. Just spitballing cause I already love the concept.

Hey, I'm trying to get through the Siren's, your, trial; but I'm stuck on the very first one. There's nothing to slice! I followed the instructions to the T, even took a screenshot to make sure I was doing it right.