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A member registered Jan 27, 2020 · View creator page →

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This is seriously awesome!
Thanks for also providing the resources looks like a fun project to do :^)

Hell ya I became the duck to be feared! Also really liked how you implemented the health bar into the ducks it dope.

I liked the puzzles. Sometimes I would move twice if I held the button down for too long but other than that I enjoyed it.

Yess I made it to the end! Dope game.

Thank you for playing my game :^)

Man this is awesome. When I saw this it reminded my of a psp game I used to play. So got some nostalgia points out of me for that (even though it probably wasn't intentional). Dope game all around! I was able to see my character clearly and the levels were tough. That last level was a doozee.

Yup definitely need to read the instructions more carefully next time.
I'll work on conveying important information to the player.
I would of never of thought of auto re-spawning so thank you for pointing that out.
I totally understand any low ratings.
Thank you for playing my game and taking the time write your thoughts. It's super helpful!

dope game
I really enjoyed the increasing difficulty :^)

Thank you
Yeah I'mma have to put more effort into the endgame next time

Thank you for the kind words!
Yeah I definitely messed up on the restrictions and I'll make sure to be more explicit on the controls next time.

oof your right
Hopefully I don't get disqualified for that
Thanks for playing my game tho :^)

Ye it was pretty cool even with the bugs

The application doesn't work unfortunately

cool game
it was fun

dope puzzle game

Super dope game! 

It was hard but dam when I reached the end I was like "hell ya!" As for improving it definitely make sure to add audio next time.

Was actually super engaging once I found out how to land the planes.

"Most of them are attached to girls"