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I investigated it before answering and the main problems are that I don't know what does it do to create an app (so I can't know if it's safe for everyone to use it) and that the free license forbids "commercial use".

My game is not "commercial" but as it allows donations that could raise some license problems.

Thanks for the option but I can't take it.

After testing the live and downloaded version I've found that the live version works with (almost) no problems while the downloaded version is strangely messed up, including the images not showing.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience but I don't have the skills to create a proper port for android, if you want to play it in the phone you will need to use the "Run in browser option"

Thank you for your support and sorry again!

I don't have a clear idea yet, only small ideas that I find interesting.

I don't plan to feature them again but who knows, maybe they can appear in the future.

I used a local instance of Stable Diffusion

First of all thanks for your continued support!

Yes, Draining Pageant is now complete and won't receive any more content updates.

And I have plans to make other games, when I get enough inspiration and time, I plan to keep working with similar genres!

Thank you for playing and enjoying it!

(1 edit)

I have tested that part and everything seems to work, every image loads nicely.

Can you be more specific with what you are experimenting?

Edit: With your edit the only idea I have is that you have executed the game using an old image folder, if you delete it, download and uncompress the last version everything should work.

¿Has descomprimido el juego antes de ejecutarlo?


No, right now I can't give an estimate.

I can tell that I've advanced a bit more with the update, putting it at 60% completion.

Yeah, I plan to do so,  and I already have some ideas~

But I want to finish this game before starting any other project.

Every release is available for download when it's released and as far as I know the game works on every device with a web browser (it's an HTML game)

The next update is planned to be the last content update, if I do more it will be to fix bugs and typos.

Thank you for your support!

I can't give you an exact release date right now.

These days are quite busy, the update is 40% done right now and progressing slowly, If I find myself with more free time it will be fast but I can't promise anything right now.

The next and last content update will bring one epilogue for each girl and some small extras.

I don't plan to increase their sizes more in this game.

Thanks for your support and kind words!

I don't know if that counts as talent but i truly enjoy the themes I'm working on and have some knowledge of basic programming.

I use "AUTOMATIC1111" if you mean the exact model for the images right now I'm using susjelomix and some LORAs depending on what I want.

(1 edit)

It's a hobby, I plan to keep working and develop more different games in the future.

And I plan to keep them completely free!

If someone wants to support me with money they are free to donate here or in Ko-fi.

(1 edit)

Thanks for reporting it.

You were right, the links to the images in that scene were wrong.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience, it's fixed now!

Thanks for the report.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience, it's fixed now!

I don't plan to, I prefer focusing on the female part of theft and growth games.

Thank you for your support!

(1 edit)

Sorry for the inconvenience, it's fixed now!

I plan to do so but i'll have to think more about how to do it :)

I'm working on it, I'll probably have it ready this week!

I have no plans to make a game about that theme.

In the next update that message will disappear and some extra events may appear!

I'll have to plan things thoroughly as the game will have only one or two more content updates with the rest being bug and typo fixes if needed.

I may have planned one more apparition of Claire ;3

But there won't be a premanent bigger and bigger scenario for her, I may do something in these lines in a future game but I'm not sure yet.

I'll think about it, I know that the game economy is not balanced.

Thanks for your advice!

I am using a locally installed instance of Stable Diffusion


What do you mean by solution?

You don't need 100 days, the password can be obtained in less than 30.

You need to complete all the side stories and a special event will happen.

Right now it's not planned to add that kind of images.

This project is intended to be a fun and spicy game about attribute theft and growth!

I'm working on it, I plan to release it by the end of this week!

You need to craft the "Item" that the Boss teaches you, twice.

For now I want to rest a bit and work on the other routes, if I get inspired Anna may have some extra events in her line but I can't promise it

(2 edits)

Yeah, it would work.

Right now it's already revealed in a secret event that you can find!

But the password will probably change in future updates.

I have no plans about it for now.

(1 edit)

Haha, thank you for your support!

I wouldn't compare with patreon projects, as I'm doing this because I want to and the programming isn't overly complex .

Being able to continue is intended as Emily winning is a (very small) route.

Thank you for reporting the typos, they will be fixed soon!

Thank you for pointing that out!

I implemented that same feature inside her gallery but forgot to add it to the selection.

It's fixed now!

Nope, you were just lucky :3