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A member registered Jan 24, 2017

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oops I'm so sorry! I'll keep searching!

Hi there!

I'm Mathieu Boudreau from Cradle Games. We thought you might be interested in our project called Hellpoint; it's an occult and kinda futuristic action RPG that you can play coop in PvP or PvE. We're a team of industry veterans who one day decided to just go crazy and follow our passion. The game takes place on a derelict space station orbiting around a black hole and we're creating a small open world filled with dynamic events and surprises, based on the 21 hours' orbit cycle.

You can get more details on or check out the first teaser here:

Please forgive me if this is breaking any rules that I might have missed! Also I'm sorry for boldly coming forth as a new user in this forum but we're kind of recluses and have to make big efforts to be more social media friendly.

Let us know what you think! It's all pre-alpha stuff to give you an idea of where we're at. We intend to showcase more of the stuff that differentiate us when the inevitable comparison to dark souls arrives. We started as a Bloodborne homage but pleasantly drifted off along the way. Anyhow, we made it a point of honor to make our own thing, as I hope to demonstrate soon in the next trailer.

We should be launching a crowdfunding campaign in February, to check if there is a demand for this game.

Thank you so much for your time and consideration and we remain dedicated to offer you the best experiences! :)
