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A member registered Feb 16, 2023

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I really like the concept of your game! It really digs into the what if? thoughts we all have when making choices. I think it would be cool if you explored the concept like a time loop? where you replay the night over and over until you don't lose Autumn. I also think the pacing is well done where you stretch out the simple moments with the chores and then have everything hit the fan all at once during the party. You also captured the emotion of helplessness really well in the dialogue and separation of the choices coupled with the mental toll of guilt.

This is a cool way of building a character! Normally, when you use a program to make a character, it's more visual but this text-only format leaves it up to the player's imagination which is nice. I also like the fourth wall-breaking comedy of it and how you choose not to play takes you to the games' backroom. I will say there is an overwhelming amount of choices, which I can understand for a more nuanced character, but I think taking away a few would give the player more of a breather. This is more of a personal interest, but I am curious about how the percentages are calculated at the end.

I really like your story and how every little choice involves a level of risk. I like how there are high and low stake choices where you don't really know the outcome because some seemly simply low-risk choices can actually have led to me dying (like going on the wrong floor on the elevator). It also is interesting to be able to stimulate a stressful environment and how my logic and thinking would allow me to survive or not. I also just appreciate the recap of everything I've learned in the end because it's helpful for the player to keep track of their decisions.