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A member registered May 16, 2022 · View creator page →

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that’s cause it’s a free asset as far as I know

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I had a lot of fun working on the music of this. this was my first time working on the music for someone else’s game, so I definitely have things I need to change next time, like allocating enough time to get what I need to done without rushing so much. I still don’t quite have a portfolio, but I do have a youtube in case anyone wants to check out my other music. it’s all mostly chiptune, but there is some sampled music there too ^^ I gotta say though, it feels so nice to hear my music in a game that’s not my own

thank you so much! I do plan on continuing this project after the rating period is over, so hopefully it’ll be a more complete release

this is a fantastic amount of polish here, but the RNG might be a little too unforgiving. I got stuck almost every time I played lol.

though, it’s probably a skill issue on my part

don’t be! I make the same mistake all the time xD

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it’s not broken, it’s mostly unfinished. I said that in the game’s description. also, the game’s description also shows the controls. for the web player, i’ts left and right arrow keys to move, and x to shoot iirc. for the NES rom itself, it’s left and right dpad, and A to shoot

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I apologize for bailing, but I've already been contacted by someone else. good luck though!

kind of late, but I don't think so. and humble bumble purchases are non transferrable unfortunately

this is the best game that has ever been a game!

thanks! I had a lot of trouble with the 3D aspect since this was my first 3D game, but it makes my day to hear that it's a good game.

Thanks! that was my main priority, and I think it shows.

Thanks! yeah, I do know about the missing collision. I unfortunately didn't have time to do any theming, or collision other than enemies.

creating collisions for blender models is a bit tough tbh

no problem. I enjoyed the gameplay. also thanks for the info for the OnPointerEnter/Exit events! I'll definitely use it in my next game. heck, I might even update my other jam game. 

definitely. it was still a really interesting concept though.

visuals were amazing, gameplay was even better. there were no dice, but I did like the randomness of how much HP you got and how many ammo you got. that was a nice touch. as soon as I got close to the enemies, I died though. even when I didn't collide with them. all in all, this was amazingly impressive. Nice job!

very fun, but very random. I mean, most of the levels were extremely hard.

Good use of the theme, as well as presentation. I absolutely loved the menu. How do you scale a button up like that on hover in unity?

Nice game. I think having a fast forward button would help, but otherwise, it was super fun!

amazing graphics, but had a hard time figuring out what to do. nice project still, would love to see it worked on after the jam. add a tutorial, maybe don't add so much blurring to the area. otherwise, player movement felt good, design is amazing, and it's very impressive.

the player movement was very stiff, it felt like I couldn't control it at all. other than that though, neat concept! excited to see what you make of it in the future!

It's pretty annoying, but it's an interesting concept. I'd be interested in seeing what you make of this after the jam!

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hm... I'll think of something. It was originally supposed to be a chess board as the play area, but I didn't have time as I started late.

yeah, sorry bout that. that was the only idea I could come up with in an hour, while still having about an hour to actually get the game done.

the breaking reality theme is shown in the tutorial, where the narrator tells the player" if you play it enough, the creator might make a full game, wait, what?"

and the telephone, I could only reference in the beginning of the tutorial by having the narrator say ring ring.

I don't think there's a problem with that. not sure though.

thanks! I appreciate the kind words!

no worries if you can't play it right now. I understand, as this year is so busy.

can't wait to hear what you think of it!

yeah. better luck to me and my team for next time huh?

Thanks for the reply. it's finished and on my page if you're interested in playing it. the more feedback I get on it, the better.

I'm currently working with my team to create a full game based on this prototype, so it should be out in around 2-5 months, not acounting for issues.

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This is our first project as a team, and I think it turned out well. I entered the jam when there was only 3 hours left, so I rushed to do all of this in an hour. as such, some stuff I had to leave unfinished like pickup animation etc. the only animation that is in the prototype right now is in the tutorial scene where one of the pickup items is floating up and down. as a result, the main level(only one cause I didn't have time) doesn't and looks unfinished. I'm sorry about this, as my team and I honestly tried.

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My team and I have already started working on a dungeon platformer video game for this jam, and that was my fault, as I didn't read the rules properly. as the head of the team, I had disappointed. but I don't want to disappoint their hard work either. does it have to be a TTRPG? if so, then it's not a big idea. I can just try to join another jam mid-way.