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A member registered Jun 08, 2016 · View creator page →

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fun game, i'm horrible at it though. i downloaded the .exe version and accidentally pressed E which entered an editor mode? honestly it was kind of cool and i would love to poke around in the engine. i love sector-based stuff.

the level design/~vibes~ (i dislike using that word) remind me of Marathon, something about the weird abstract shape and limited texture use. it's neat.

looking forward to more games by this member(s?) of the ever-elusive club.


a mac port (and a linux port) is very easy to do (and i might do it if i stop being a lazy pinhead)

simply download the mac/linux version of either LZDoom or GZDoom (there's some subtle differences, i just chose LZDoom on a whim) and place game.ipk3 in the directory.

gave the demo a go, it was pretty fun! it felt a bit like the opening parts of Daikatana, except good. it also reminded me a bit of Unreal and Chasm: The Rift.

I enjoyed the visual style, it felt like Unreal mixed with Half-Life. The classic painted texture look never gets old to me :)

I got lost navigating the level, maybe an automap would help out with that?

I did run into some technical issues. I have a high refresh rate monitor and the game seems to be capped at 60-ish FPS, which unfortunately looks a bit choppy.

An aesthetic issue I have is that I don't like texture filtering, and there didn't seem to be a way to disable it.

Props on creating your own engine. It's rad!

looking forward to seeing what happens in the future!

what the hell is this site? Why is everything spinning? I can't even read this.

sorry for the late reply, it's ok if you do this!