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A member registered Nov 02, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing!

I would appreciate your feedback on my first game!

I like controlling how to cube moves and the music fits the game quite well. An issue I have with the game is that it is hard to track how the switch interacts with doors and I am still unable to finish the game due to this.

(1 edit) I was able to finish your game in 19 seconds in hard mode, it was very challenging trying to get better time.

Yeah I should have toned down the difficulty. Thanks for trying the game anyway!

I would like some feedback about my game which is my first game jam !

The game is pretty relaxing. The only issue i had with the game is that the camera seems to have trouble keeping up with player which makes it hard to see the level when you are just sprinting to the end of the level.

I loved the artstyle of the game and music. Issue that i found with the game however was the fact you do not get penalized for spamming buttons and this makes it easy to get a highscore.

Glad you liked the idea behind my game, i agree i should have made levels less difficult and more rewarding.

Yeah i probably should have spent more time tweaking the level design for some levels to make it less hard but equally challenging in hindsight, thanks for playing my game!

There is a problem with downloading the game, you have not embedded the pck file when you exported the exe file due to which game is unplayable.

The game is fun but i always keep forgetting where my house is. It would nice to have some clear indicator that shows where your house is either though some kind of minimap or like an arrow pointing to your house when its about to become dark.

Great game! I loved the fact that the music seems to change whenever you recruit a new crewmate. Wish that there was some kind of endless level thing after you beat the game with all the crewmates you recruited, it would have been pretty fun and hectic.

Love how you have a cutscene of some random dude advertising the drink. The game is very fun and enjoyable!

Wow thanks, Glad you liked it! 😊

 I have enabled full screen mode but there seems to be a minor issue where the reset button does not work if you enter full screen mode so you may have to refresh the page if the cube gets stuck and you are unable to move. Thanks for your feedback!

Ok, i have finished uploading it to