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A member registered Nov 04, 2019

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Funnily enough, I found that discrepancy because I was sure there had to be a rule somewhere that said hazards calculate weakness and resistance differently for exactly that reason, and that I must have missed it on my first read. Glad to know my instincts were right! :D Thanks for confirming!

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Also just bought this and also very excited to try it out--but I think I found one more inconsistency. The resistance/weakness sidebar on p. 55 says you decrease or increase damage by two boxes, but the rules breakdown on p. 353 says one box (which also seems to jive with the fact that the general description of damage says a 'more effective Damage Type' increases the damage by one box, and the fact that reducing damage by 2 boxes would basically mean resistance for hazards is the same as immunity, since PCs can't really get above 2 damage except with massive impact)

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whoops, didn't mean this to be a reply