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A member registered 64 days ago

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It was fun. I loved the aesthetics. It just looks very fun. The gameplay is good. It's not something really unique but it works. Also would probably like it more if I was being chased by something. Would have fitted the escape theme more.

I liked this game way more than I was expecting I would. The sound design is simple but top notch. I like how the space background is. Way better than most I have seen recently. My fav part is the gameplay cuz the timing at which the enemy ships spawn and the kind of bullets and all of those, they quickly get so challenging and so fun in a very good way. 

Tho one complain I have is that what ship comes around when is predictable. Was that an intentional choice or did I just imagine it. I played it like 3 times and I think it came in same style and around same time in all three.

Really love how you have achieved such interesting looking background with just cubes. More than just the fact it's pixel art. It has a good minimalistic vibe to it

 I love the variety of enemies and how they look. The UI is really polished as well. 

One complain I have is the delay in jumping. I had to get used to it and it stopped being a problem. But feels like a bug.

I would play it again later to finish it. Already died thrice : (

Wonderful aesthetic. Immaculate sound design. Really cool idea and wonderful jumping mechanic.

"S" key for Jump was the only issue, and it was a big issue for me.

The sound effect and bgm are fantastic. The Name Entering portion was very inconvenient to use, the main menu ui needed slightly extra work and the gameplay needed some polishing.

But its very fun due to the aesthetic and sound