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A member registered Jul 28, 2020 · View creator page →

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I fixed the problem a while ago, I wasen't setting up my makefile correctly was essentially the problem. I plugged away at it for an hour or so and solved it :) Thanks for helping though!

Hey all, I'm super new to the SNES and Assembly and need help building my file. I followed the libSFX tutorial above to install the assembler and everything that comes with it. I'm at the point where I need to: 

"Now the toolchain is in place and you should be able to run make from any of the example directories to assemble the source files and link a Super Nintendo ROM image (*.sfc)."

When I run make, all that appears is " make: *** /home/krist/libSFX: Is a directory.  Stop. ".

I don't know how to "link a Super nintendo ROM image (*sfc)."

If anyone could help me out I would appreciate it. Thank you so much, I'm excited to build my first game for the SNES!

I completely agree with the first point. I watched a couple of my friends play the game after I had published and they were suggesting hold controls as well. To tell you the truth, I just don't know how to program those using the new Unity Input System. It's on the bucket list of things I want to learn, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. I just have a boolean that says "thrusterOn" or "thrusterOff", which was easy to implement in the game. 

I also really like what you said about "putting gameplay over accurate physics". Again I agree with you. Not only are the controls subject for improvement, but also the physics are odd at times (both Left and Right thrusters on for example). In the future I will tune these elements more tightly, especially since they are the core mechanic of the game.

Thanks for the feedback :)

Really nice controls, they feel great. Love the wall running too, feels smooth!

Gratz mate, gold metal too you! 

I really enjoyed the overall theme of the game. The abstract art coupled with the puzzle, taking pieces of the art, and then having to be creative about where the pieces are placed was neat. I'm not 100% if this matches with courage as the theme for the game jam, but neat game reguardless.

Thank you!!! I agree with you for the controls, they are more punishing then intended.

I think the physics could also be tuned more tightly as well. Thanks for playing the game : )

I think the game is harder than Intended to be honest. Gratz on finishing it! The confusing part about the controls happens when the player is turned upside down, and right becomes left. It's a little brain bending because the camera POV doesn't, hence the confusion. Thanks for the feedback, this is something for me to think about for next game jam!

The visuals are great! I loved the menus and how smooth all the mechanics worked well with each other. Round to round was great as well. I really appreciate the pause button implementation as well, always a nice touch. All the level designs were great too! Game is great with friends!