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A member registered Jun 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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Congratulations to everyone, specially the winners. I'm glad I got an honorable mention :P

Yeah, that happened to a bunch of friends :P We'll totally add a pause menu!

Thank you for your feedback! as for the aiming system, you can see a better explanation in the previous comment. 

Thank you for your feedback, I'm glad you find it fun!

As for the aiming system, in the first stages of the game, I thought that it was redundant and unnecessary to have manual aiming when the view port is small. There was some thought about the input, as we wanted to give some level of accesibility by making the game playable with one hand. 

About the walls, unless it was an unkown bug, structures cannot be bought during waves.

Thank you! If you wish, you can try the new update that, in my opinion, makes the game much more fun and inmersive!

Thank you, I was thinking the same about not removing the sounds but using empty sound files.

As the title says, I have some sfx packs I bought and I would like to use them in my game. I know I cannot legally distribute them that's why I'm asking if I'm able to use them in the executable of the proyect while removing them in the source code.