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A member registered Jun 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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I wrote a hack of this called Alone in the Afterlife ( -- thanks so much for this wonderful, elegant game and encouraging creative remixing.  You're awesome!

(Can't wait to back Stewpot soon -- looks like a blast.)

Opens just fine for me on Windows using 7-zip.

Thank you for the response.

I am not disappointed that the product has some AI to it, I just personally wish that AI use was more widely disclosed in the industry as a whole.  Empowering consumer choice with clear labels is a net benefit for both customers and businesses.

Text too?  Hmm.

Does this product use AI art?  Some illustrations look a little AI-ish, like on P. 210 (character on the left has three legs but only two feet...) and P. 215 (character on the right seemingly has two legs that fuse into one?).


Hello!  I purchased the Premium Paperback from Amazon -- is there any way I can get a PDF copy as well?  I sent an email on your website, just thought I'd also ask here in case you check this more often.