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Gary Ryder

A member registered Jul 21, 2019

Recent community posts

I disagree. There are many...many...many of us using 3D software for a lot of different projects.

Along with Photoshop (3D) and Cinema 4d I would love to use Flowscape in creating backgrounds, or at least background images to use in my artwork. Those of us that "Do" know how to use 3D Software, are always looking for little Gold Nuggets like FlowScape to roundout our arsenal of tools and speed-up or enhance our designs.

Please reconsider this request. I think you will be blessed with a whole new market place that would appreciate your hard work. I know I do.

I love this software. But found an issue you should be aware of.

I loaded FlowScape and settled on the default layout.

Without doing anything, I loaded "Task Manager".

I found that this app is killing my video card resources (power usage).

In idle, running only Flowscape and a Virus app (Malwarebytes), it is consuming 54.1% of my GPU Power.

I am running an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Ti video card (8GB Video Ram).  AMD Ryzen 7 2700X Eight-Core 3.80 GHz 64-bit Processor. 32GB System Ram. Windows 10 64-bit.

I can't imagine that this is normal. Can you fix this?

Thank you in advance.

Otherwise, a very happy customer.