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Zarigueya gal

A member registered Aug 14, 2023

Recent community posts

adorable art, love runmo's face when they stick to walls or hit the floor after a big fall.

Would be nice if pikit gave actual advice or info, like the fact that the "special" is used while jumping... Besides that it isn't unforgiving, nice game, nice art, nice sound effects and music.

10/10 I may have cried a little

way harder than expected jaja, but it is fun and adorable, really like the art.

oh, look! a cute farming game with pumpkins and crows, how adorable! 

oh no.

The art is lovely, the movement has a nice feeling to it. Can't play it cause im a scaredy cat.

weeeeeeeeeeeeeee wachaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, felicitaciones por el demo, re copado! Tenes mi atencion, te estaré siguiendo. Me hizo reir mucho cuando el VA dijó las bear puns, una cosa es leerlo, pero escucharlo mata. 

Es fantastico encontrar trabajos de latinos y ni hablar de compas argentinas. Muchisima suerte, que avance todo smooth y puedas vender mucho.

Simon is adorable, I'm in.

Hope to see more of this!

This game is great, please give it a try.