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Hi everyone,

I’m currently developing a 3D arcade game called Cube Jump, and I would love to get your feedback on it. In Cube Jump, you control a cube that must jump over obstacles, collect points, and reach the finish line. It’s designed to test your reflexes and challenge you to achieve the highest score.

Link to ProjectCube Jump

I’m particularly looking for feedback on the following aspects:

  1. Gameplay Mechanics: Are the controls intuitive and responsive? Does the jumping feel satisfying?
  2. Difficulty Balance: Is the game too easy or too hard? How can I improve the difficulty curve?
  3. Graphics and Art Style: How do you find the visual design of the game? Any suggestions for improvement?
  4. User Interface: Is the UI clear and user-friendly? Are there any elements that are confusing or unnecessary?
  5. Overall Enjoyment: Did you enjoy playing the game? What were the most fun or frustrating parts?

Please share any other feedback you think might be useful as well. I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts and making Cube Jump better!

Thanks in advance for your help!

Hi everyone,

I'm excited to share my new game, Cube Jump, now available on!

Quick Summary: Cube Jump is a hyper-casual 3D arcade game where you control a cube, jumping over obstacles, collecting points, and racing to the finish line. Test your reflexes and aim for the highest score!

Gameplay Highlights:

  • Intuitive Controls: Simple yet challenging, perfect for quick sessions or longer play.
  • Engaging Levels: Diverse obstacles and increasing difficulty keep you on your toes.
  • Stunning Visuals: Clean, vibrant 3D graphics make each jump enjoyable.

I’d love to hear your feedback on the gameplay mechanics, difficulty balance, visual design, and overall enjoyment. Your input is invaluable as I continue to develop and improve the game.

Link to Cube Jump on Cube Jump

Thank you for taking the time to check out Cube Jump. I’m looking forward to your thoughts and hope you enjoy playing!