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A member registered Aug 03, 2016 · View creator page →

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Rather than gift your friend a course, add them as an admin to your itch page and then forward them the email to redeem their own course.

Hey there,

So, forward the email to your friend, and have them add your itch email in the form. We are going through and checking teammates when they submit so we should see them, we just need their account email and the course they want.

Hey Peeps!

So we've been getting questions about why some submissions are being removed. I'm here to shed some light on that and fill you in on why this way have happened and what to do about it.

First off, if your submission was removed, it was removed for one or more of the following reasons:

  1. No playable build of your game was visible
  2. No source code was included for download
  3. You used Paid assets in your game
  4. Your game was published before the start of the jam
  5. Your account was flagged by itch for suspicious activity
  6. Your game had a virus or malware in it

If your game had been a part of the jam, and it no longer is, one of the above reasons is likely why.

If you think your game was removed in error, please comment here with a link to your game and we can either shed some light on your situation or help you with the next steps.

Thanks for understanding!!! <3

Awesome job. Keep developing this, I love the atmosphere.